Manchester Travel

Chill Factore

My husband and I passed on the motorway beside Chill Factore countless times on our way to Manchester. We wanted to try it out, but kept postponing. Finally we went earlier this month and tried their Snow Passes. These are £12.50 per person for 1h that allows access to the activity area. This includes three activities: Downhill Donuts, Ice Slide, and Snow Slide. For family with young children there is something else to do, although they wouldn’t be happy in the ones for grown ups.

Chill Factore - Snowboarding and skying

They have a huge slope for snowboarding and skying, that needs another pass. I wouldn’t have went to that one anyway. Visitors can also sign up to lessons, those are taking place on a smaller slope, near the activity area.

Us at C. F.

We were ready to go. We had to have warm clothes, suitable boots, but all these can be rented or bought from them. We’ve rented the jacket and trousers, that is £8 each. On top of that, my husband bought some gloves from them, at £5 the pair and I rented boots for £3. As you can see, it adds up.

Chill Factore Sledge Slope

On the right is the sledge slope. It was nice, although it was not very easy to figure out how to climb on top (you had to go underneath the Ice slide). Anyway, there were plenty of sledges to chose from, in three colours. Of course, I picked the pink one.

Me on the sledge

I went on the sledge slope a few times, it was fun and, obviously, it reminded me of my childhood.

Downhill Donuts at Chill Factore

The Downhill Donuts is another activity I’ve tried. Unfortunately, the guy that was “supervising” was very eager to push the donuts and I bumped my knee on the inflatable walls. It was not too bad, but I had to use cream for my knee for a few days. Also, it meant that I had to stop using the slopes as my knee hurt.

This was an accident and, if you use the donut on your own or you don’t have someone from the staff pushing you, the activity is safe. I’ve went with that for three times and, if the donut was just 10 cm in a different position, I wouldn’t have been hurt.

Downhill Donuts ride at Chill Factore

That’s my husband, alone in a double donut. He loved it.

The third activity is the Ice slide. I didn’t try that and my husband tried it only once. It is a little bumpy and very fast. Of course, it is a matter of personal taste if you like it or not.

 Skying slope at Chill Factore

After our hour was over, we went upstairs to the viewing area to have a look at the slopes. It was great. We also realize how cold is inside. With the trousers on top of gym trousers and the jacket on top of jumper, it felt warm and we didn’t realize how cold it is. The temperature was -5C when we were on the viewing area.

Chill Factore

There are a couple of places to eat there as well. There is a climbing wall for the ones wanting a bit more adrenaline. The decor is lovely as well.

Chill Factore is in Beyond, 7 Trafford Way, Trafford City, Manchester, M41 7JA. They recommend using M17 8DD for SatNav, but we found it by searching for “Chill Factore”. There is an ample car park, free of charge.

8 Comment

  1. This looks fun! But I think I would go for a ski slope to practice my skiing rather than trying sledging although I think I would enjoy them both.

  2. My husband went here for an intensive skiing course last year as he was going skiing with his school. He really loved it. This looks fun and even I wouldn’t mind giving this a go as there is no way I want to learn to ski!!

  3. I haven’t been to Chill Factore in ages! I’ve been on the ski slope but not these extra activities. They look like lots of fun! I might have to take the girls there to go to the kids section.

  4. I never knew there were some indoors snow activity places in England! So fun if you’re curious (though I’m personally not a fan of winter sports). I’m sorry to hear that you bumped your knee, the guy should have thought about safety a bit more..! But it’s great that you and your husband still had some fun. Thank you for the discovery!

    Julia x

  5. This looks pretty cool (no pun intended) but I don’t think it would be my thing! I avoid snow as much as I can, despite living in a snow belt!

  6. I’ve never seen a place like this, but it looks fun! Though I have relatives that often enjoy snow sports in Colorado, my only exposure to winter sports was in Wisconsin where I learned to dogsled, snowshoe, and ice fish.

    1. Dogsled sounds amazing. In Romania the winters are quite harsh with freezing temperatures each year. This means we’ve had snow each winter. In UK we hardly see snow. Once we drove for 2h to get to Peak District to be able to enjoy a bit of snow. Festus loves snow as well and he misses it here. He gets so excited if he sees a few snowflakes. In Romania he used to “swim” in snow, that’s how thick it was.

      1. I’m far enough south that we rarely get snow and when we do, it’s seldom more than a dusting. I remember a time we got a rare big snow (several inches) and our Rottweilers (Esther and JJ) absolutely loved it! They were at that gangly “teenage” stage and looked hilarious running around and playing in it.

        It’s hard for me to imagine the kind of snow Festus enjoyed. I bet he was cute in it. 🙂

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