
Sea Odyssey – Saturday am

Friday night I saw the news on BBC about the Sea Odyssey, so this weekend we went to see it. Sea Odyssey is one of the most exciting street theater events this year. Due to the large number of photos and movies, I’ve made 3 different posts: Saturday am, Saturday pm and Sunday.

The story was wrote by Jean-Luc Courcoult from the Royal De Luxe and is interesting, but the show is amazing even without knowing the story. In this play there are 3 giants: the little girl, her uncle and her dog, Xolo. I liked all of them, but the dog was my favorite.


Xolo is a Mexican, hairless dog and is believed to have been considered a sacred animal by the Aztecs. He was the latest addition and is 3.5metres long, weighs 200 pounds and can reach speeds of up to 6kph.


This is Jean-Luc Courcoult, the artist that wrote the Sea Odyssey story.


The team controlling Xolo was perfect. He was blinking, moving his head, his tongue. The attention to details was amazing, Xolo was moving the ears when we was alert, he made a happy face near kids and he was wagging his tail all the time. A lovely character and a great asset for the show.







Near us the boat tilted and a lot of water came down on me and hubby while I was filming and he was photographing. We got it on camera, but I was soaked in the process. Luckily it was a warm weather.





The 50 foot tall uncle was at Stanley Park, pretty far from the docks. So we caught him on the way to St. George’s Hall. I don’t exaggerate when I say he was amazing. His eyes were moving and he was very realistic, as you can see in the movie.
















This is a small part of what happened Saturday morning. You will see the other 2 posts with the afternoon and Sunday’s big finale.