Everyday life Life

Magpie visit

I had another post planned for today, but, earlier this morning, a magpie visited our window sill and I was able to take a few pictures of him. First of all I should mention that our first floor windows have a mirror film installed on them. This way, I can have the privacy, as from outside nobody can see inside, but I do not need blinds or a curtain. We have blackout blinds for night-time. On the outside it looks like a mirror, which makes the windows look nice as they reflect the clouds and, of course, they can also be used as a mirror by a magpie which is concerned if he has a good “feather-day” or not.

Curious magpie

Ignore the dying plant. I will change it at some point this week, but I was so busy with the garden that the houseplants got a bit neglected. I was hoping that it will pull through, but it doesn’t look like that any more.

Magpie looking at himself

The magpie seems very curious about his reflection. He looked from many different angles. It was very interesting to watch.

Magpie visit

I hope you’ve enjoyed my little update. The magpie will surely come back for some food a bit later, as some of them discovered that they can also eat from the bird feeder.

6 Comment

  1. I saw my first and only magpie in London two years ago. Now a better view! How fun to watch it watching itself!

  2. I like the idea of the mirror film since it kept the magpie from seeing you while you took his photo. I always find it hard not to scare away any birds that land on my sills.

    I know there are some types of magpies in North America, but none in my part of the country. I’m glad you had this opportunity to share yours. Did Festus see it?

  3. I’ve never heard of mirror film but now I want it on ALL our windows in the hopes that a magpie will visit us too – this is soooo cute! Lisa

    1. It was so nice to see him, a very pleasant surprise this morning. While I cannot guarantee magpies with the mirror film, it is a great way to have a bit of privacy. 🙂

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