Ukraine Travel

Signs of war in Ukraine

Signs of war in Ukraine is my last post on my visit in Ukraine last month. I wanted to show how beautiful Ukraine is, how rich its culture is, before looking at the signs of war. I did share a few things that where related to war, but this post is focused only on war. Some of these signs were expected, some were not.


Churches have their windows covered up. I saw that, but I didn’t realise how different the feeling is to enter a church and have mostly artificial light. It felt different. I visited a few churches, they are beautiful.


Signs for shelters are to be expected, but they do have an impact at first. On the left was the sign for shelter in the hotel we stayed in Lviv. It was one of the first things we saw, just beside the lift. On the right is the sign for shelter at the train station. Train stations were targeted by the russians many times, including Kramatorsk and stations in smaller cities. Seeing the signs of shelter is both scary and reassuring.


Sandbags are still protecting buildings.

train station

These windows were in train stations. They should protect the people from shattering glass if the station is hit.


Not all signs are negative. This missile is now a piece of decor on a street in Lviv.


Javelin, a spent one, decorated in a cafe in Kyiv. I am very found of the spent equipment repurposed like this.


Anti-tank installations in Kyiv. I saw online when the decorated ones were painted. It is such a powerful message of defiance.



I took this picture from a taxi, on a random street in Kyiv.


Civilian cars attacked by the russians are for all to see. It shows what happened, it is a remembrance, it is a reminder, it focuses the mind.


Another picture from a taxi, a mural with two soldiers, a man and a woman, equal.


There are all kind of ads in public transport.


Azovstal defenders are still in captivity after more than 2 years. They are tortured, starved, used for propaganda, and international organisations have no access to them.


Slava Ukraini

Slava Ukraini was painted on the wall opposite where we volunteered in Lviv. It looks lovely.


Stamp on display in Kyiv. I love it.


Olha has body armour, to show that the Ukrainian army did not have suitable armour for women in the army. This is something with which most (if not all) countries have to deal with. US did something about it in 2021 and last year some American women bought their own armour because it was better than the one provided by the army. UK introduced new armour and uniforms in 2022.


Trains towards cities which are under temporary russian occupation were put on an information board at the Lviv train station. While I was there I saw a few soldiers and civilians at it. I think this display was the most emotional for me, especially seeing Mariupol there. Hopefully soon there will be train rides towards the cities in grey.


Currency from the aggressor state is not accepted. I love how it was written Slava Ukraini near it.


Memorials are starting to be changed. This one had 1941 marked on it. russia ignores their history from 1939 to 1941, when they were allied with the Nazis. Fighting and winning over the Nazis is central to their national identity, since the days of the ussr. It is heart-warming to see that Ukraine is taking control of their history.


Flag at half-mast on a day of a terrible attack with dozens of people killed.

5 Comment

  1. It IS a beautiful city. And I love, love, love how the artists have reimagined these terrible things from war (like the missile) and turned them into things of beauty.

  2. It’s an interesting look at things. I especially like how the spent shells, etc. have been decorated. It provides beauty in the midst of horror.

    While it really can’t compare to this, I can remember as a child all the signs for designated fallout shelters in my town.
    Kelly recently posted…Instagram photos #39My Profile

    1. It’s interesting that you thought of the signs for shelters you saw as a child. It was a different kind of being scared/aware of the risks.
      I visited some fallout shelters in UK before the 2022 and I saw them in a different light than I would today. In Poland I visited a fallout shelter in a museum and it felt odd, both in the past and a glimpse of a possible future.

  3. Looking at your photos that you have previously shared you can hardly tell there is a war going on as it looks so beautiful! When you look closely the signs are sure there.
    The thought of having to use the shelters must have been scary but I like how they have used the negative things like missiles and Anti tank installations as decor. x
    Kim Carberry recently posted…Strawberry & Champagne Shortbread Biscuits – Recipe!My Profile

    1. I think decorating weapons is so empowering. It’s strange to look at them, so pretty, but at the same time to think what they were intended to do.

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