
5 Bloggers to follow

I was nominated by Amanda (from amandasays) for the Blogger recognition award. I already talked about the reasons behind starting my lifestyle blog in Why I blog. Instead of choosing 5 bloggers to nominate for the award, I’m going to talk about 5 bloggers to follow. Bloggers that I think you, my readers, would like to follow too. It was so hard to chose only 5 because I follow around 100 bloggers and they are all wonderful.

Bloggers to follow

Amanda @
She is really fun, vegetarian and caring, she loves animals and she is a volunteer at The Cinnamon Trust. She has an etsy shop and she makes beautiful paintings with horses and other animals. One of my favourite posts is 10 Reasons why having pets around is so important.

Becster @
I met Becster at the last blogging event in Liverpool after talking online for a few months. She loves F1 and sometimes writes about it and this is how I discovered her blog. She has a couple of dogs, a couple of cute daughters and lots of funny stories and beautiful pictures.

Corinne @
The thing I like most on her blog is the way she talks, in a light and non hostile way even when it’s not an easy going subject. One of my favourite posts was I’m the idiot that bought a fake Naked palette. It’s something I thought about, how do I know if I buy a fake makeup palette. I’m not sure I would have blogged if it happened and surely not in the cute approach she told the story. She is fab.

Kezzie @
Her collection of novelty brooches is amazing, she made 17 posts with them. She has an interesting array of posts, outfits, museums, everyday life and hiking with lots and lots of wonderful pictures. She makes cards and I’m always inspired by her creations. I mentioned the brooches, the dinosaurs are so cute, have a look at her updates about the brooches.

Danielle @
She started her blog to keep in touch with family, exactly like I did and pretty much in the same time, among lots of other things we have in common. I enjoy reading her Weekly Reflections, an interesting series. A Frosty Morning Wildlife Watching is beautiful, taking pictures of seals only a few minutes from home is my idea of a perfect place to live in.

9 Comment

  1. You’ve picked some crackers here! Danielle’s blog is one of my favourites and over the last year we’ve become really good friends too, which I couldn’t be happier about. I hope, later in the year to meet her at Disneyland Paris!

    Also Corinne, she’s delightfully sarky and I love reading her posts and chuckling along!

    This is such a great way to share some blog love! I think I’ll have to do a few posts like this myself.

  2. Awwwwww, that is so nice. Thank you!! That’s v cool to be put in the same post as Corinne and Danielle who are so popular! I likewise recommend your blog. You have fabulous variety and I like the scale of your posts plus positivity and Amazing cooking!x

  3. Aww thanks you so much for including me! Always great to feel loved! <3 I need to write more about F1 though! Hopefully this year will be more exciting and give me something to say! xx

  4. Thank you VERY MUCH for including me in this list, Anca, I feel super honoured and touched 🙂 what a lovely tribute! Danielle and Corinne I am familiar with but I don’t think I’ve come across the other ladies and I will be sure to check out their blogs, too. Hope you’re having a lovely week 🙂 xxx

  5. You are such a kind soul! Thank you so much for including me and speaking so sweetly of me – it means a lot xoxo

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