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Boxing day @ Bodies revealed

On boxing day I had a list of clothes that I wanted to buy, hubby was dreaming of a big discount on cameras… we both got nothing. The discount was around £40-50 for a £1000+ camera… that’s not a sale! So, it was pointless to buy it yesterday. I had the same luck… there were […]

Christmas gifts

Today we took advantage of the warm day and we went for a walk in Port Sunlight. I decided to wear some of my Christmas gifts: my new M&S shoes and skirt and the South jacket. The jacket has fleece inside, but it fit’s and looks very light. I’m very happy with it. The skirt […]

Xmas tree. The making of…

Hubby and I had long discussions regarding which xmas tree is best for us. These were generated by the lack of the perfect solution for both of us: a real one with a root big enough to keep the tree alive and plant it in the small back yard. Last year I killed a real […]