Books & Study Life

My TBR List #1

I had some list of what I plan to read last year and I want to continue the same this year. This is the first My TBR List of the year. I am not sure if I will read all the books or not, it depends on how much time I have, what I need to read for my studies, and so on. Yesterday I finished Obama’s memoir and today it feels like a fresh start. I still have Crime and Punishment to finish, after I stopped reading it last year, but I am not sure if I will finish it in the next 3 months, so I will not include it in this list.

The books are not in a particular order, with the exception of the first book, which I will start reading today. I wrote a sentence or two about each book. You will be able to see the reviews for them on my book blog, Coffee and Books.

My TBR List #1

My TBR List #1. List of books:

As I mentioned, I will start reading Secret Casualties of World War Two. Uncovering the Civilian Deaths by Friendly Fire by Simon Webb* today. The topic is fascinating and I read a few books by Webb, which tells that I will enjoy this book a lot.

Michael Schumacher by Pino Allievi was a gift from my husband, for Christmas. I’ve been a Schumacher fan for many years and I am so excited to read this book. The book is written in both English and Italian and it has many wonderful pictures.

The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion by Jonathan Haidt is a book I wanted to read for a while. Haidt is Professor of Ethical Leadership at New York University’s Stern School of Business.

I found A Force To Be Reckoned With: A History of the Women’s Institute by Jane Robinson in a book store and I was drawn to it because of its cover. As I will study the 20th century British history from this term, I think this will make for a very interesting read.

Privacy is Power. Why and How You Should Take Back Control of Your Data by Carissa Véliz is one of the books on privacy and data ethics I plan to read. Véliz teaches at Oxford, at Hertford College and at the Institute for Ethics in AI.

I bought A Life on Our Planet: My Witness Statement and a Vision for the Future by David Attenborough last year and I wanted to read it in the Christmas break, but I did not have time, so I will read it this month.

Luckily I could pick Agent Sonya by Ben Macintyre from the library before the lockdown. It is a non-fiction book about a Russian spy living in Britain. Sounds pretty fascinating, doesn’t it?

The Proposal by Mary Balogh is the first book in a series and the only fiction book in my list. I like Balogh’s writing style and I will get the other books in the series too.

*review copy

What books are you planning to read?

5 Comment

  1. My husband bought Agent Sonya for me, as I read reviews in the papers and mentioned that the story sounds fascinating. Looking forward to reading your review. I plan to read it some time this year as well.
    Crime and Punishment is not my favourite book. We studied it at school, and I hated it then (I’m probably committing some booklovers’ crime admitting that).

    1. How nice to receive the book. I am very eager to read it.
      I feel the same way about books from school. They were annoying back then, but I am sure I would like them or, at least, see them differently right now.

  2. I’ve got a few books from 2020 that I haven’t read, including a couple of trilogies. I saw a few reviews of Agent Sonya, it looks fascinating!

    1. I read a few reviews for Agent Sonya and it seems a very interesting book. Hope you get the chance to read the books you plan to and enjoy them too. 🙂

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