
National Trust and English Heritage

For my birthday, in November last year, hubby bought a National Trust membership for us. We’ve visited a few before becoming members, but we were reluctant as there aren’t many properties around Liverpool.
We were wrong. In less than 1 year, we’ve visited more than 10 properties, in day trips to North Wales, and around Shrewsbury & Manchester. Also, it was very handy on our very short holidays in Yorkshire and Ascot.


I’m always happy with our days out, the properties are beautiful and the tea rooms are nice with lovely freshly baked scones. So, it was worth to get the membership and we’ll continue to have it for next year. The handbook was a lifesaver on our trip to Ascot. In it we were able to find a countryside location to play with the dog, near the camping site, in an area where there aren’t many parks.

I can’t say which NT location is my favourite. I’m very found of Hardman House in Liverpool and next month we’ll visit it again. I will mention other 5 locations, but I liked all of them: Chedworth Roman Villa, Baddesley Clinton, Fountains Abbey, Quarry Bank Mill. and Plas Newydd.

We’ve decided to get memberships to English Heritage too. We’ve visited a few locations and we thought it will worth it. We’ve been to Beeston Castle as members, but we’ve also visited Conwy Castle, Beaumaris, and other attractions in Yorkshire.
I wasn’t a huge fan of history classes while at school, maybe I found it boring. I started to be interested in history after I moved to UK and I’ve started reading about different tourist attractions that we planned to visit: houses, castles, Liverpool docks.
Now we are watching a series about the English monarchs, for me it’s the best way to learn some history in a very relaxed and easy to remember way. I enjoy the stories behind them and it’s a shame it took so many years to discover this passion. Having a membership with EH will surely make me even more interested in history.

Can’t wait for another year of day-trips and short holidays.

4 Comment

  1. Ascot! That Ascot?
    Imi place ce vad, si irlandezii sunt la fel, au talentul de a face si o pietricica sa arate ca un munte! Stiu sa puna in valoare orice coltisor care are legatura cu un eveniment istoric, nume sau fenomen. Rareori pierzi, vizitand astfel de locuri!

    1. Yes, that Ascot! 🙂 Am fost la un targ la Ascot Racecourse, e impresionant.
      Asa e, pun in valoare tot, se mandresc cu istoria lor si lucrul asta o face si mai interesanta.
      Te pup

  2. I can’t wait to read more about your adventures in the National Trust parks and houses. There are so many interesting heritage sites in the UK, and you take such lovely photographs! 🙂

    1. Thank you Candy. I agree, there are so many sites and I would like to visit again the ones that I’ve been to.
      I have to say that usually hubby is taking the pictures, not me. I resize them in Photoshop, maybe a crop and that’s it. I’m happy you like them xo

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