Europe Travel

The Roman Theatre, Verona

The Roman Theatre in Verona also houses the Archaeological Museum. It is a very cheap museum and incredibly interesting and also big. There is a lift to get to the top floor before coming down by stairs. There are gorgeous views of Verona from it. I will share a few short descriptions and a lot of pictures.

The Roman Theatre, Verona

The Roman Theatre

The theatre is still used today for concerts, which I think it’s amazing, especially as it dates back to the 1st century BCE. The museum is located in a monastery, which makes this place both unique and a must see if you are planning to visit Verona. It will take about 2 hours to see everything, but 3-4 hours can easily be spent there, looking more closely at the exhibits and spending some time relaxing in the arena.

The theatre was discovered in the 19th century when Andrea Monga, a wealthy merchant, bought the entire area and carried out excavations. Later, in 1904, the area was purchased by the Municipality of Verona, which continued the works.

Hall in the museum

The museum is beautifully displayed. A bit tricky to visit, as there is little info on what to visit next and in a museum as complex as this one you need to ask the guides for details, which they are happy to provide.


Found in Borgo Venezia this is a flat-bottom amphora used for cremation tombs.

artefacts on display

gate on display

view from the museum

This is how the theatre looks from above.

Verona from the museum


doors to monk's cells

As I mentioned earlier, the museum is housed in an old Jesuit monastery, from the 15th century. The monks were making perfumes to sell, which is why they picked this location for their monastery, as it is very close to a water source.




chapel floor

view from the museum


This is the chapel, from outside, while the previous two pictures are from the inside the chapel.


A mosaic with Bacchus, one of the few in the museum, is also one of the biggest.


3 Comment

  1. this is a beautiful spot. I think the views and photos are spectacular and the museum looks fascinating. The artifacts are intriguing and the architectural details really quite remarkable. The mosaics amaze me and you know I love the painting but that view — that tops it all!

    1. I saw so many wonderful ceilings in Italy, in churches I mean. They were fantastic at making the painting looking as if they were 3D, objects placed on the ceiling and not flat paintings. Also, the mosaics were gorgeous, I love them.

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