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Why I love caravanning?

Last year we bought our first caravan without going on a caravanning holiday before. I wasn’t sure I would love it, but it was perfect for us and I do love it. So, considering most of us are thinking of holidays, I’ve decided to talk about my caravan and Why I love caravanning?

01 Why I love caravanning

Caravanning has an impressive history, that I found out by chance. Dr. William Gordon Stables started caravanning in late Victorian era. The first caravan ever built was called The Wanderer and it was made in 1884 by Bristol Wagon Works Company. It traveled tens of thousands of miles in its lifetime. Amazingly, that first caravan still exists and it’s displayed at a Caravan Club. The caravan was meant to be an land yacht and it was inspired by traditional horse-drawn Romany wagons, pulled by two horses named Captain Corn-flower and Polly Pea-blossom. The interior was made mahogany and maple wood, painted black and gold, in an Victorian fashion and it obviously had a bookcase.

If it wasn’t for him, for me, our holidays wouldn’t be as exciting as they are. I blogged last year about the Things I learned about caravanning, have a look if you fancy to read that post too. Let’s go back to why I love caravanning.

Freedom. We can take Festus with us without any problems and he feels at home in the caravan. We also have the freedom of going where we want. Also, it doesn’t matter if it’s London, Edinburgh or Anglesey, the prices are pretty similar.

03 Why I love caravanning

Home from home. Having all my things around it’s very nice for me. I can take books and things I wouldn’t take if I were to go to a hotel or B&B. I also have the possibility to cook if I want to and I like that a lot.

04 Why I love caravanning

It doesn’t matter if it rains, we have everything we need in the caravan. We play board or card games, watch the rain, watch a movie on the laptop or read a book. We can have a chat and just relax.

05 Why I love caravanning

Birdsong and wildlife. To every campsite we’ve been I heard birds singing in the morning and I saw a squirrel or two. In the more remote locations there are hares and foxes. A fox had a nibble at the dog’s food one night, the hares were running around in the morning. It’s a delight to see them.


Learning new skills. I bought a sewing machine to make curtains for the caravan. They turned out rather good and I learned something new. I have in mind to make a couple of sewing projects these days. It’s fun, I wanted to try sewing, but I never did until I got the caravan. I never had such a big incentive to actually sew something.

02 Why I love caravanning

What do you think about caravanning?

8 Comment

  1. I love caravanning. It’s always really cosy and such an easy holiday to arrange at the last minute. Looks fab #postsfromtheheart

  2. It does sound a great idea! I’ve stayed in a caravan- with my family when I was 6 but it was stationery in a friend#s B&B garden so it didn’t quite count! It is very versatile!

  3. I can open with a static caravan but anything smaller is a bit too cosy as a family of five! #postsfromtheheart

  4. Oh I wish we could go caravanning now but neither of us would be allowed to tow one on our licences. We had a caravan growing up and loved going on adventures in it. The freedom was the main thing…. but also just the sense of adventure. Many happy memories made in our caravan.

  5. You make caravanning sound such fun. I’d love to try it #postsfromtheheart

  6. It does really appeal to me and we plan to take a year out travelling in a camper an or caravan when our girls are a bit older. However for now it’s too big a financial outlay and I feel it might restrict other travels.

  7. It does look like a really easy and enjoyable way of getting away for sure, but I think I’d be really nervous about the driving involved! My in-laws have a camper van thing though and they’re always off away for the weekend – I can definitely see the appeal!

  8. This is such a lovely idea. I have never grow up going onto one because in Singapore, this is not a thing for us. So now, to go on one, is not really my cup of tea. I did hear lot of friend’s childhood that they always go with their family. This is be a fun thing to do as holiday!

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