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I am sharing this post today for two reasons. First of all I want to show off my new artwork, that is now on the wall near the entrance. It looks amazing, I always loved the Dutch style of still art with beautiful flowers and insects on a black backdrop. The second reason is because I want to talk about the artist who enhanced the image, in case someone is looking for a gift for someone.

Artwork on the hallway

After long deliberations, we’ve decided to make our kitchen black and white predominantly, with the exception of the splashback, which is rather colourful. So, we kept the idea of black and white on the hallway to the porch too. We both love the way it looks.

With the black frame and white passepartout I think these two pieces of artwork are looking at their best. I am very happy with them. Because of their location, these are seen multiple times a day, when I come down the stairs or when I leave the house.


The artwork was digitally enhanced by an Ukrainian artist who sells on etsy. This is his shop: VintageArtMuseum. The artwork is downloaded and can be printed at home or in a print shop, depending on the medium you want to print it on. He has so many wonderful items in this shop, over 300, so there is something for everyone. I was drawn towards some beautiful pencil sketches of flowers and some Victorian landscapes, but decided to go with the Dutch black designs because it worked better for us and those were my favourite.

I am considering buying a few more for the living room, in another style, maybe Victorian, but we are still thinking of the amount of furniture we need to add, due to my ever-increasing book collection.


I didn’t want to share the images he sent, so I am sharing a picture I took, of a detail. It’s not clear how amazing it is though, so I’ve added a very small detail from his original piece, so you can get a sense of the amount of detail that’s in the artwork.


This is the snail on the left in the picture above.

So, if you are looking for a lovely gift, why not get something from him. One piece is around £6 and there are some offers if you get two, around £10. These can be printed in many shops or online, relatively cheaply. It also helps an artist who is living in Ukraine, in Odessa. Check this etsy shop, as you can find there lots of different pieces of artwork, from sketches of flowers and landmarks like the Colosseum to coastal paintings, scenes from Paris and Venice, and many more. You can also find him on Instagram.

10 Comment

  1. Wow, that is a lot of detail, glad you shared the snail so we can see. That’s a lovely thing to do, to support a Ukrainian artist via Etsy. Digital downloads are a great way to do this, no postage involved. Thank you for sharing, Anca.

  2. This art is beautiful and you framed it so nicely. I’m so glad you are supporting the artists of Ukraine. Artists have a hard enough time of it when there is NOT a war going on — all the more now.

  3. That’s a lovely thing to do to support this Ukranian business! I really like your choice of artworks- the Passiflora is lovely! I thought of you earlier as I was looking at a Palava dress on eBay and it had Passionflowers on it and reminded me that you have one and really like it!

  4. Thanks for showing the detail of the snail…. I hadn’t even noticed it! Your thoughtful arrangement and choices for your home are wonderful. It’s lovely to situate things you especially like so that you see them often. I’m afraid our house is an eclectic mist-mash of items from having lived in it many years. (and having acquired lots of inherited pieces of furniture)
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    1. I (we) don’t like clutter, so each decoration we have on display has a meaning, even if it’s doesn’t look like that for someone who comes by. Also, as we moved so far, we have no furniture from Romania, so that helped keeping things matching. 🙂

  5. I checked out the website and whilst I really likesome of the studies he has on there, including your own pieces, I couldn’t really find anything which would fit in the scheme of things around our home. We tend to have more in the way of bronze and brass sculptures, which sit on glass shelving mounted on the walls. We only have one piece of hanging artwork, which is by artist ‘Walfrido’. Not quite as modern as your tastes, but amazing with the recommended lighting effects.

    I do love the clean lines of the framing you chose and the crispness of the black and white colouring. Next time we decorate it will probably be with a view to selling the place, so we will be looking for something more modern and neutral .

    I love looking at artwork of any genre so thanks for sharing someone new! 🙂

    1. Walfrido’s work looks amazing, what a gorgeous landscape, seen from the cave. It’s beautiful. I would buy something like that without any doubt.

      I’m glad you liked what I picked, I always loved these Dutch-style of paintings, but with their dark colours I know that they are not for everybody, which is understandable of course. 🙂

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