Everyday life Life

Spring fair

This week we’ve been at Spring fair, NEC. The fair was great, I’ve had the chance to talk with a lot of interesting people. We had a little chat with the organization that we are members of. I’ve placed an order with a new supplier and I had two new suppliers on my short list. Overall it was a great show and we can’t wait to go again next year.

On Friday we’ve arrived in Birmingham, we’ve got the same accommodation like last time, a self-catering cottage. We were already accustomed to the house, closest amenities and the trip to NEC.


My husband took some pictures while I was preparing.

Last time, there was a drop off point, from where I could reach the entrance in 2 minutes. But, as Spring fair is so much bigger, there wasn’t a drop off point. So, I had to walk in heels from the parking lot on cold mornings, not very pleasant.


We’ve been with friends to the local pub from the village we had our accommodation. I am very found of this pub, as last year there were two lovely donkeys there. Here is a picture with one of them. We had a great meal and some drinks, but we forgot to ask about the donkeys, Marry and Eric.


Close up with the shoes, still on 4+ inch heels. Nothing can stop me wearing high heels. Also there is also the fact that is impossible for me to buy some flats that I like.


We’ve took a short walk in the Birmingham city center and we had a dinner on the canal. We’ve got a table near the window, so we’ve enjoyed the view while we were eating.



While we were busy, Festus had only one thing in his mind… how to get some rest. He had a very nice holiday, he had a chance to catch up with his sleep and enjoyed the country life.


On the last day, after we’ve finished packing, we’ve went to the pub to relax near the open fireplace for half of hour. This time we’ve remembered to ask about the donkeys, they are at a farm (a real farm, not “a farm”) and they we’ll be back in the summer. It was too cold to keep them there, as they had only a shelter and not a proper stable.