Easter menu

This Easter’s menu included, as usual, “traditional” Romanian dishes and English ones. We’ve got hot cross buns from the supermarket, as I didn’t have enough time to try to make them at home. We had to share the bun on Easter, as the tradition dictates. Drob, it’s a Romanian terrine with lots of spring onion. […]


We’ve visited York during our holiday. I loved the wall with daisies. In two towers there are 2 museums: Henry the VII experience and Richard III experience. We’ve been to the 2nd one and it was interesting. It’s not much to see, obviously, but there are a lot of info panels. We didn’t take the […]

Fountains Abbey and Ripon

We walked Festus before visiting the Abbey. We took a lot of pictures, see here on his blog. Fountains Abbey is an old Cistecian monastery, built over 800 years ago, during the reign of Henry I. We’ve learned a lot about it’s history during the guided tour. It was very enjoyable and the lady told […]

Fair in Harrogate

At the beginning of April I’ve been at a trade fair in Harrogate. It was the 2nd time we’ve been to Harrogate, but this time we’ve stayed for a week and we had a few days of holiday. Festus enjoyed himself the whole week, pictures here. The fair was interesting, different than the ones at […]