Europe Travel

Casa di Giulietta, Verona

Casa di Giulietta is a museum in Verona. The story of Romeo and Juliet was written by Luigi da Porto and published in 1531. The story was read in France before reaching England. William Shakespeare’s The most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet made it into the story we all know today. In 1560 Gherardo Boldieri said that a medieval tomb from the church of San Francesco al Corso was of the heroine. Now it can be visited, but we didn’t have time to go there. This tomb was widely seen by aristocrats in their Grand Tour.

Entrance to the museum

It is a very busy place, in all its opening hours, but it is a must if you visit Verona, of course. The house belonged to the Dal Capello family, commonly known as the Cappelletti.

Casa di Giulietta - Juliette's balcony

The Balcony Room was painted in 1823, including that gorgeous ceiling from the picture below.


View from the balcony - outside

This is the view from the balcony, towards outside.

View from the balcony - inside

This is the view from the balcony, towards inside.

The museum tour doesn’t end there, as there are more floors to see, with beautiful and interesting artefacts and movie props.

A bed used in a movie

The bed was designed by architect Renzo Mongiardino, especially for Franco Zeffirelli’s 1968 film, Romeo and Juliet. In the ballroom there are two outfits from the movie too.


These are the floors open to the public, with medieval and early modern artefacts. The house dates back to the mid-14th century, so it is wonderful to see on its own.

The balcony seen from the house

From the windows the balcony can be seen. With so many people around and taking pictures from the balcony I had to wait to take pictures and, even so, I had to Photoshop a person out of the picture, for their privacy.

Artefacts on display

These terracotta tiles are from the second half of the 15th century. Tiles such as these were used for balustrades, windows, small fences in the old Veronese houses.


There are beautiful old medieval paints on the walls, besides artefacts like these ones.

Views of Verona

From the house Verona can be admired too. It’s just a wonderful place to see, filled with history.

4 Comment

    1. I had no idea about Romeo&Juliet before visiting this place, but it’s a fun detail to know, isn’t it? The whole house is so interesting and it has many beautiful features like that ceiling.

  1. That’s really beautiful, Anca. It looks like a wonderful trip and a beautiful (and interesting) spot to visit while you are there!

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