Liverpool Travel


feeding pigeons 16
How to relax and DE-stress in 30 minutes with less than £2. This is how feeding pigeons should sound like.

I love feeding animals and having a huge park at only a 5 min drive means I do this quite often. Usually we feed the squirrels, pictures here. I also fed swans in Nantwich. For me it’s a very relaxing activity, I just enjoy the tranquility.

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He was looking at my bag, hoping I have something yummy for him.

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I knew the pigeons are willing to eat from the hand.

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It was the first time when a pigeon landed on my head. It was a very funny moment.

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I was curious how far the pigeons are prepared to go, so I took a seat and waited to see if they will still be willing to eat from my hand.

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Love is in the air. Aren’t they cute?
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The little girl was so happy to see the pigeons so close, that she came near me. I gave her some bird food, so she can feed them too. It’s always nice to see parents encouraging kids to respect and love nature&animals.

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