Europe Travel

Communism museum, Krakow

I am sharing today pictures from the Communism museum in Krakow. It showcases different aspects of everyday life and also two bunkers, which were supposed to protect people from a nuclear blast, but were made too thin and too close to the surface to be of any use. See more here.

Communism museum











Communism museum





3 Comment

  1. I sometimes think no one really knew just how much protection would be needed in the case of a nuclear bomb. That hair dryer made me smile. You rarely see anyone under a contraption like that anymore. The only ones I still see are attached to chairs.
    Kelly recently posted…2024 extras #5 đź“šMy Profile

    1. I think the damage could be calculated after seeing the aftermath of nuking Japan. But Polish bunkers were not borderline efficient, they were made knowing that they would be useless. I’ve been in bunkers in UK, and they are deep underground with blast door and proper decontamination chamber and another strong door and so on.
      This bunker in Poland was incredibly poorly made. The picture with the stairs was just beside the bunker, you can see how close to surface it was, a few metres, and way too thin. Even the blast door was more like a bank vault door. These were made to “reassure” people that they will survive if US drops a nuke on them. But they would have not. Arguably it would have been better if they were building infrastructure with that money & cement. But it was communism – only propaganda and nothing of quality done.

      That hair dryer was one of the highlights. I remember it from my childhood, when my mother and grandmother had their hair done. I imagine it looked futuristic at that time.

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