Books & Study Life

My TBR Pile

As today is World Book Day, I thought it would be nice to share my TBR pile (to-be-read). It is the 23rd year of World Book Day, how nice is that. Aside from these books, I will borrow some University-related books from the library, but I did not include any as I’m not sure I will read those cover-to-cover.

My TBR Pile

Here are the books I plan to read in the next couple of months. With break coming up soon, I will have more time to read, as I will stop commuting to Oxford on a weekly basis.

Some of these books are mine, some are sent by the publishing house I’m collaborating with, and some are borrowed from the library. As you might expect, a good selection is history related, including The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith, which is relevant to the period I’m studying now.

I received the books from the Instant series this week and I’m so looking forward to reading them. These were sent by the publishing house. All subjects sound really interesting and I’m very eager to read them.

Besides those, I have a psychology book too. While Happy Ever After might sound like a romance novel it is in fact a psychology book written by an author I’m reading at the moment. I might finish his first book today, or by the end of the week anyway.

In this picture only two books are fiction, Meet me at the Museum and the one by Nicole Locke. I plan to read all the books in the series written by Nicole Locke. I know that some people snub at romance books, but I’ve always loved them and I read them. Last month I was surprised to see that a library in US (I’m not going to name them, as the last thing I want to do is to advertise them) had an event in which they were mocking romance books, amazingly, as a way to raise money for a new and bigger library. Well, maybe my literary tastes aren’t as elevated as of those from that library and I do enjoy a bit of romance between Tudor Economic Problems and The Napoleonic Empire, just as I enjoy a bit of Natalia Oreiro between Mendelssohn’s violin concerto and Ravel’s Bolero.

My TBR Pile – List of books:

Meet me at the Museum by Anne Youngson – DNF! (1 of 3 books I did not finish, the second one is Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel, 3rd is at the end of this list)

Happy Ever After by Paul Dolan – 3.5 stars. Not as good as the first one.

Dirty Bertie by Stephen Clarke – 4 stars.

Instant History by Sandra Lawrence – 5 stars. Great book, really interesting, like all the rest in this series.

Instant Engineering by Joel Levy – 5 stars

Instant Science by Jennifer Crouch – 5 stars

Instant Mathematics by Paul Parsons and Gail Dixon – 5 stars

George IV Art & Spectacle by Kate Heard and Kathryn Jones – 5 stars

The medical detective by Sandra Hempel – 4 stars. Good, not great, but worth reading.

Brunel: The Man Who Built the World by Steven Brindle and Dan Cruickshank – 5 stars. A good biography, worth reading.

The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith – 5 stars (the first book of the two)

How to Be a Victorian by Ruth Goodman – 5 stars. Great book, filled with fascinating details. I also read another book by Ruth Goodman, published this year. She is an amazing author.

The Highland Laird’s Bride by Nicole Locke – 5 stars

not included in the picture, all from the same series, by Nicole Locke:
In Debt to the Enemy Lord – 5 stars

The Knight’s Scarred Maiden – 5 stars

Her Christmas Knight – DNF

Reclaimed by the Knight – 4.5 stars

Her Dark Knight’s Redemption – 4.5 stars

What’s on our TBR list?

5 Comment

  1. You have some interesting books to read! I am intrigued by Dirty Bertie!!! I like a good romance book- yes, there are some REALLY stereotypical, formulaic chicklit novels out there but there’s a place for every kind of book every now and again- it’s nice to have variety! I’m a glutton for historical crime books which I am sure some people might laugh at!

  2. I’m especially interested in hearing about George IV, Dirty Bertie, the Victorian one and How to Be a Medical Detective. My pile is pretty high too. I should do a photo one day!

  3. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about loving romance books. I have read a good amount of romance books, both the so called clean romance and the smutty ones too, and enjoyed them, even if I had rolled my eyes sometimes at the most improbable situations. How sad that the library was mocking people for their choices. Surely the library should celebrate all kinds of reading.
    I’d be curious to find out about the Instant series, and will be looking forward to your reviews.

    1. I fully agree with you. I started reading romance novels in my early teens and I’ve heard countless times negative comments about them, but I still get annoyed.
      The Instant series books look really interesting, I had a quick look.

  4. My TBR use to be a reasonable size until I began reading book blogs. Now I would be embarrassed to show how many I have waiting to be read! It got worse when I got a Kindle where they could be “hidden” from sight. And now, of course, I’ve discovered my library’s digital app. Let’s just say I have MANY books on mine!

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