Manchester Travel

Dunham Massey

Dunham Massey is a National Trust estate near Manchester, it has a deer-park, beautiful gardens and a lovely house. This year marks the centenary of WW1 and the house was transformed again in a sanctuary for wounded soldiers.

I had no idea the deers, even if they are still wild, they aren’t bothered by people. It was an amazing experience to be able to stay so close to them, without any fences. The fallow deers were relaxed, having a snack or just looking at the crowds admiring their grace and beauty.

Dunham Massey deer park

Dunham Massey deer park 2

Dunham Massey deer park 3

Dunham Massey deer park 4

Dunham Massey deer park 5

Dunham Massey deer park 6

Isn’t he (I assume is a he) extremely cute?!

Dunham Massey deer park 7

Dunham Massey deer park 8

Dunham Massey

In the Hospital there were actors dressed like nurses and patients. It was interesting to see different equipment, including a device for electrocardiograms.

Dunham Massey Hospital

Dunham Massey Hospital 2

Dunham Massey Hospital 3

Dunham Massey Hospital 4

Dunham Massey Hospital 5

Dunham Massey Hospital 6

The upper floors were kept for Her Ladyship.

Dunham Massey 2

Dunham Massey 3

Elizabeth Woodville, 1437-1492, had a tragic story. She married John Grey and had 2 sons. After his death in battle, she married King Edward IV. With him she had many children, including The Princes in the Tower. After their father’s death, they were locked up in the Tower of London by the man appointed to look after them, Richard III.

Her daughter was Henry VIII’s mother. Through her daughter, she is ancestor to every English monarch from Henry VIII and Scottish monarch since James V. I find fascinating this kind of stories.

Dunham Massey 4

I have a soft spot for libraries and the ones in old stately homes are beautiful. Most of the books in this library were from 17th and early 18th century.

Dunham Massey Library 2

Dunham Massey Library

Dunham Massey Library 3

Dunham Massey Library 4

Dunham Massey 5

Dunham Massey 6

Dunham Massey 7

Dunham Massey 8

Dunham Massey 9

Dunham Massey park 4

After visiting the house, we’ve took a short walk in the gardens. As it was quite late, we didn’t go all the way to the rose garden, we left it for another time.

Dunham Massey park 2

Dog graves from 18th century. Some of the dogs were pugs, all were family pets. It was the first time I’ve seen something like this and it was impressive to see how much the family loved their pets even in that period.

Dunham Massey park 3

Dunham Massey park water lilly 2

Dunham Massey park water lilly

Dunham Massey park

Dunham Massey 20

Getting ready to pay the toll for the Warburton Bridge, 12p. It was a miracle that we had the exact change twice, especially considering the amount! It’s a 110 years old toll, for a bridge that is privately owned. I thought it’s amusing, but I believe it’s a nightmare for the residents.

Warburton bridge toll 12p