Celebrations Life

Halloween and BEDN

Today is 1st November and I’ll join in the challenge to Blog Every Day In November, more details on Rosalilium’s blog. I will blog about things I’m doing as before or on the topics set for the challenge, alternatively.

Yesterday was Halloween. I intended to blog in the morning, but it was an incredible busy time for me. On Thursday I was so busy I couldn’t prepare anything for Halloween. On Friday we’ve been to London for a day, we left home just before 6am and we got back at almost 1am, a 19 hours trip. In London was exciting, we’ve been to Mercedes World, Fan Museum and National Maritime Museum (I’ll make 3 different posts for them), we met a friend and there was a work related thing going on too.

On Saturday morning I baked some bread and cupcakes and I decorated the house while hubby was walking the dog. Then I went for a coffee with Holly, it was lovely to see her and catch up.

Going back to Halloween, after long talks with hubby, we decided to dress as Romans. I had some plans that involved sewing, but I didn’t have the time. So, we had basic costumes, Festus, as a Roman dog, had a costume too.

01 Halloween

I was uploading a picture of the pumpkin on Instagram while I assume he was setting up the camera. I love this photo, it’s a “modern-Roman” theme.

02 Halloween

Me and the dog. He was looking on the table to see if he has some special goodies there.

03 Halloween

As for Halloween decorations, it was basic. A bat in the porch, some spooky dolls in one of the bedrooms’ windows and a big spider in the kitchen.

04 Halloween

I saw the idea somewhere in a garden and I thought is fab. Well, it rained and the bones I have aren’t waterproof, so instead I placed them on the grass-rug I have in the conservatory.

05 Halloween

I put the spiders on the flowers to see if hubby will notice them and he did, after a few hours, but he did.

06 Halloween

Our happy pumpkin, carved by hubby while I was cooking something else.

07 Halloween
I really like the funny-happy look.

08 Halloween

I wanted to make a graveyard cake, as I forgot I bought a coffin baking tray last year on sale after Halloween. So I decided to bake a pumpkin-cake (similar to carrot cake) in the shape of the coffin. On top I made a creme cheese icing with a few drops of black food colouring. To give it a texture, I added some icing sugar, but I didn’t stir too much. The sugar “popped” and made the cake extra spooky, so it was even better in the end.


I made a brain-jelly. We will eat it with shortbread and whipped cream, so it’s basically a deconstructed trifle.

10 Halloween

Other preparations include my black buns with poppy seeds on top, the bowl full of treats and the stand filled with pumpkin cupcakes and Mr. Kipling fancies.

Halloween was fun, making the costumes, carving the pumpkin, giving treats to kids and eating lots of desserts.

4 Comment

  1. Oh wow! I love your costumes, despite how ‘last minute’ they are. We didn’t do anything for Halloween in the end, but I did get the Mr Kipling Witches Fancies, they were yummy! #BEDN

  2. I love the food ideas! You look like you had a blast. What type of bun are the black buns?

    You also beat me to it as I still haven’t finished my BEDN post.

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