Everyday life Life

My January

January was a busy month, with 2 trips to London, one for work and a visit to the Design Museum and the other trip was for a blogger event where I’ve created my own perfume. Among other things, I went to Shoryu Ramen in Manchester for a delicious lunch.

The funniest thing that happened in January was at the end, after our date night (more about that in a couple of days). We got home late and I was upstairs, removing my makeup and changing into PJs when I hear my husband calling me with a worried voice. I rushed down in my underwear to see the neighbour’s cat in our living room, trying to get out of the house, hissing, while the dog was very happily waiting outside. My husband took the dog out and left the doors open as he was in front of the house anyway. The cat managed to get in to have a nosy, but now she was trapped inside. I can’t describe the happiness on Festus’s face, imagine going outside for a moment and then to discover something you’ve been chasing for ages, is standing in your living room. His eyes were glowing with pleasure and he had what looked like a smile on his face. Sadly, I didn’t have time to take a picture though.
My husband acted quick and he took the dog near the gate to the back of the house and the cat ran away and most likely hid under our car. That saved me from going out in the middle of the night, in my underwear, with the cat meowing in my arms. The dog went in the kitchen, as I dressed and then my husband and I went outside to feed the cat a treat for the terrible ordeal she put herself through.

Another thing I enjoyed this January was to look on the blogs I sent gifts to through Secret Santa and one of them loved the gifts, mentioned them in a what-I-got-for-Christmas type of video. I’m delighted with this.

My January

From the pictures I shared on Instagram, I should say that this month I’ve tried new things, like Japanese dishes, kalette (new type of veggie), chocolate pizza and I made cocktails at home.

3 Comment

  1. Haha your story reminds me of when our neighbours cat once came into house when we left the back door open in the summer. We had guests over and one of them said “I didn’t realised you had a cat.”. We looked over and it was just sitting there in our dinning room. I had to chase it out before my dad realised. He absolutely hates cats!

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