
July 2020

I can characterize this month by a single word: gardening! We were very busy with the garden and, somehow unfortunately for our neighbours, we’ve involved them too. We’ve started with the back of the garden and went on to one side, this meant we had to change one of the concrete posts, that was cracked. […]

Magpie looking at himself

Magpie visit

I had another post planned for today, but, earlier this morning, a magpie visited our window sill and I was able to take a few pictures of him. First of all I should mention that our first floor windows have a mirror film installed on them. This way, I can have the privacy, as from […]


Bloggers Art Gallery

Kezzie had a great idea, to organize a Bloggers Art Gallery. Bloggers Art Gallery is a joint effort by a few bloggers, who showcase their artwork, in a time when many museums are closed. The idea is that each of us shows what kind of artwork they have in their homes. As art is subjective, […]

Cazino Constanta

Where I grew up

I do not talk often of my childhood, so I thought it would be interesting for my readers to see where I grew up. I do not have pictures, as I did not think of taking any of the places I am so familiar with. So, instead, I searched on google and their embedded street […]

My TBR Pile #3

My TBR Pile #3

It’s been two months since I shared a reading list, so is just the right time for my TBR Pile #3, here are the second one and the first one. This time I was able to take the picture of the books in my new bookcase. I’m so pleased with how the bookcases look like. […]

Cat at Cat Cafe

Cat Café

Life is slowly getting back to normal. On Saturday, pubs, cafes, and restaurants could open again in England. While it was so much talk about pubs, especially on social media, it was mostly ignored that small businesses can open their doors to customers for the first time in months. We’ve decided to go to the […]

Monkey selfie

Knowsley Safari Park, June

After a few months in lockdown, we were finally able to visit Knowsley Safari Park, in the last day of June. I was so excited to visit them again. From this weekend the lockdown will ease ever more in England (Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland go at different speeds). We planned to have a picnic […]