Reviews Restaurants & Pubs England Travel

Ye Olde Starre Inne

As my husband and I both work from home, we don’t have the opportunity to have drinks after work. Dressing up and going out is more a date or a night out than drinks after work. I wanted to take advantage of our time away with work in Harrogate earlier this month and we said we should go out for drinks at an old pub, exactly after finishing our day. I searched for an old pub and I picked Ye Olde Starre Inne, an 17th century pub in York.

Ye Olde Starre Inne

Ye Olde Starre Inne is the oldest licensed pub in York, established in 1644. During the siege in 1644 the pub was used as a hospital. In 1662 it was purchased for £250 by Thomas Wyville. In 1792 the landlord Thomas Bulmer put a sign on Stonegate and he paid a rent for it, I think that was a really new way of advertising, I have a picture of it at the end of the post.
In 1803 the pub was sold again for £850. Today the pub is owned by Taylor Walker.

Ye Olde Starre Inne

I had a beer and my husband had a Victorian lemonade, as he was driving. It was really nice to have drinks and I liked the Victorian lemonade, a little sharp, but very good.

Ye Olde Starre Inne

The pub looks lovely, the atmosphere was lovely, the staff very friendly and the decor is beautiful.

Ye Olde Starre Inne

These stained glass panels were separating a few of the tables.

Ye Olde Starre Inne

Ye Olde Starre Inne

Ye Olde Starre Inne

This is the sign I mentioned at the beginning. We both had a wonderful time at the pub, we also walked around York, a city we both like and visited before.

If you fancy a pint at the Ye Olde Starre Inne, the pub is in 40 Stonegate, York, YO1 8AS. Unfortunately I couldn’t find more about its history, I imagine it’s very interesting as so many things happened in the last 370+ years.

4 Comment

  1. To think that the first time the pub sold for was £250 and the second time £850, imagine what it would sell for today? Hopefully they can release a history guide on it from the last 350 or say years. I like the atmosphere.

  2. Great place! I am going to visit York for the first time next month. I’d definitely go there. It seems like a lovely inn with a lot of history.

  3. Sounds like a great pub! I’m glad you guys had the chance to spend some time together! xx

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