Wales Travel

Black Rock Sands Beach

Enjoy my pictures from the Black Rock Sands Beach. It is a beach in Wales. Don’t miss the castle in the second picture, it’s Criccieth Castle, dating back to the 13th century. I haven’t visited it, but I would love to, given the opportunity.

Black Rock Sands Beach

Criccieth Castle





detail of rock




6 Comment

  1. I had to check with our friends, as they have taken us to so many places over the years – but yes, we have visited Criccieth Castle, but not Morfa Bychan (Black Rock Sands). I am not a big fan of the beach, as in sitting on sand. However, I am a real coast lover and can think of nothing better than whiling away time listening to the waves pound against the rocks and this looks like a great place to do just that. Another location to add to my wish list of locations to visit 🙂

    1. Like you, I don’t like sitting on sand at all. I love walking on the beach and enjoying the smell of the sea, the wind. It’s very special, isn’t it?

    1. I love walking on the beach, but not sunbathing. It was pretty late, about 7-8 in the evening, so it was quiet, just a few dogs with their owners, and these gorgeous views.

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