Croxteth Hall Greenhouse

I’ve been to Croxteth Hall a few years ago and I remembered being impressed by the house and the walled garden. It has the mushroom house and interesting shaped fruit trees for a bigger yield. The greenhouse seemed less exciting at that time. A couple of days before Easter I saw on BBC News that […]

My Easter

My husband, the dog and I had a pretty interesting Easter this year. I am always keen to make lots of different things to eat, lots of desserts. I made Romanian dishes that are made for Easter, British traditional foods and even Dutch, I have to blame Mary Berry for that one. These are one […]

10 Good things

1. New Sofa! The new sofa is finally here, after ordering it at the end of December. I’m happy with it, it’s exactly as I wanted it to be and it’s very comfy. The last sofa we had we got it from a friend after we moved in an unfurnished house. We had to buy […]

Cocktail Masterclass at Black Dog Ballroom

I was invited to Cocktail Masterclass at Black Dog Ballroom in Manchester. The Black Dog Ballroom group is launching new cocktail masterclasses with different themes. It sounded great and I was eager to attend the event. It took place on the rooftop terrace bar at Black Dog Ballroom NWS. Black Dog Ballroom NWS is their […]

Hobby Crafts and Cake International

Last weekend my husband and I left the car at home, got on the train and went to Birmingham. While I was busy at Hobby Craft and Cake International, he went to see a photography show. It was great, I had all the time in the world to see everything I was interested in. I […]

Blogging for free

I love cooking, walking the dog, gardening, but nobody would expect me to bake them a cake, walk their dog or plant some flower bulbs in their garden for free. So why other people and, unfortunately, brands would expect me and other bloggers to work for free? I visit trade and retail shows with work, […]

What’s cooking #2

Last month I was so busy with work that I didn’t have lots of time to spend in the kitchen, so I posted only my recipe of homemade popcorn. This month I cooked a lot and I tried lots of new and exciting things, so I’m so keen to write this post. The most exciting […]

125th anniversary – Crufts 2016

This year was the 125th edition of Crufts. I heard about Crufts after I got Festus Vom Hause Mitroi, my wonderful Rottweiler. As an owner of a pedigree dog I have a huge admiration for breeders and their work. I know how much effort goes into each dog to prepare them for shows, to raise […]

Bloggers conquer Snowdon

I mentioned that I would love to climb Snowdon this year in the goals for 2016 post and Becster said she would like to join in. So, after talking, pondering ideas and researching… Bloggers conquer Snowdon was born. It’s true that Snowdon is not exactly Everest, but “Bloggers going on the easiest path on Snowdon […]

Not suitable for vegetarians

There are a few products on the market that aren’t suitable for vegetarians even though you might never think they aren’t. This just shows how little is known about the processes of making the food, the drinks and the clothes we enjoy. There are so many reasons why people decide to become vegetarian, like health […]