
April 2020

April, what a strange month. If you are from UK, surely you’ve heard of Captain Tom Moore and his fundraising for NHS. I made a small donation this morning and wished him a Happy 100 birthday! I imagine he will raise £30 million by the end of the day. What an amazing achievement. I was […]

33 Random Questions

33 Random Questions

I saw these 33 random questions on Kezzie’s blog, as she got them from Hazel. So here are their answers: Kezzie & Hazel. It’s been a while since I made this kind of post and with not a lot of things to do these days, as we are in lockdown, I thought it would be […]

the Rose giveaway

The Rose giveaway

While I was reading The Rose by Brent Elliott I thought I should host a lovely giveaway with a beautiful theme, so today I’m posting about the Rose giveaway. It consists of a set of three wonderful items, The Rose by Brent Elliott (courtesy of Welbeck publishing), British Rose Petal-Soft Hand Cream from The Body […]

VIVE Cosmos. Set

VIVE Cosmos

A couple of months ago I wouldn’t have imagined that I will review the VIVE Cosmos VR set. My husband and I played VR for the first time in late 2018, but we continued and played a few times last year, including a race in an F3 car in Cardiff and an arcade VR in […]

Things I ate as a child - starters

Things I ate as a child

Today I’m going to talk about Things I ate as a child. This might be interesting for my readers from UK and US, as none of these foods are either brands or packaged. This is because in the 80s Romania, under the communists, there were no Western brands. At most, we had some Pepsi, which […]

Makeup as Art

I mentioned Makeup as Art in a post last month, with self-isolating activities for adults. I had two ideas when I wrote that post. I was not sure it will turn out as I imagined, considering that this is the first time I’m doing something like this. My usual makeup is basic: primer (not every […]

Dyson Light Ball Multi Floor in package

Dyson Light Ball Multi Floor

Last year in august we bought a Dyson Light Ball Multi Floor. This exact model is not available on the market at the moment, but there are similar products if you need a new vacuum, like the Dyson Small Ball. The Small Ball looks the same and it is at the same price as the […]