Emirates Air Line cable car

November 2021

It feels that I spent the whole month of November commuting, which is actually true as I made the trip from Liverpool to London every week or so. I did some amazing things this month, including having amazing meals at vegan restaurants, a visit to the Tower of London, attended Romanes Lecture at Oxford, saw […]

Prison Museum

Ripon museums

There are three museums in Ripon and I will share pictures from all of them. The Ripon museums are the Workhouse, the Prison, and the Courtroom. Only when I wrote this post I realised that I didn’t take pictures of the courthouse from outside. I will share a few details too, explanations for some of […]

The Vegan Kind. November Box

The Vegan Kind. November Box

The Vegan Kind. November Box is at its 97 edition. I am enjoying these lifestyle boxes a lot and I will continue to get them next year too. I am not sure about the beauty, just because I don’t have time to use them and also use all the other cosmetics I’m buying. So, I […]

view from cable cars

Emirates Air Line cable car

Emirates Air Line cable car opened in 2012 and it is a must if you want to see London from above. The prices for it differ greatly but the cheapest option is £4 per trip with an Oyster card. If you are visiting London, getting an Oyster card is a must, you can use it […]


Purezza, Manchester

I wanted to visit Purezza Brighton, but we didn’t have time when we went in our very short trip to Brighton a couple of years ago. So, when I found out that they are opening a new place in Manchester I was so happy. The pizzas are so good that we’ve been there a few […]

Lucian Freud: Real Lives

Lucian Freud: Real Lives

Lucian Freud Exhibition is a special exhibition at Tate Liverpool, open to the public from 24 July 2021 and until 16 January 2022. I’m sharing a few highlights from the exhibition, details for visiting are at the end of this post. Lucian Freud: Real Lives is curated by Laura Bruni, Assistant Curator Tate Liverpool and […]


Freud Museum

I’ve been to Freud Museum a few years ago and recently I visited it again. Here are a few highlights from it. I can’t recommend enough this museum, it’s fantastic. This is a very quick update. These pictures are with the flat the family lived in Vienna. The sofa was brought with them when they […]


River of Light

River of Light event started on the 22nd October and it will be until 7th November, so don’t miss it if you are in Liverpool in the next couple of days. If you can’t, I hope you’ll enjoy the virtual trail. Sonic Runway by Rob Jensen & Warren Trezevant Wave by Squidsoup The Pool – […]


London Waterbus Trip

I had a lovely London Waterbus Trip from Little Venice to Camden Market, so I thought I should share the details, in case anyone else is interested. The prices vary, but they are £12 for adults, £9 for students, and £8 for children. It takes about 45 minutes to get from one station to another […]