Everyday life Life

10 Good things

I missed the post for last Sunday, as I was busy and I kept postponing the post until today.

Last week and this week had some awful parts, I found out about a few bad things that are affecting me and will affect me in the future. The worst part is that at the moment I can’t do anything about it. I have to wait for the opportunity to come to solve the issues. This is a moment when I can even say I need the good things post as I feel the need to focus on the positives. The list includes things from both weeks.


1. F1 season. After a long wait, the new 2015 season started this weekend. As true fans, we got up at 4.45am to see the race in real time. We’ve also seen the highlights on BBC, just to be sure we didn’t “miss” anything.
I’m very happy that Hamilton won the race, he did a great job. I’m also happy that Vettel was on the podium 3rd place as it reminded me the “good old days”, when one of Ferrari’s strategy was to overtake at the pit stops. The interviews were funny, as Arnold Schwarzenegger was delightful.
Button finished last, but at least he finished the race and I hope they will solve the teething issues with the new Honda engine. Last year I was hoping he will have a seat at McLaren and hoped he will at least score points. Even thou he showed that he is a great driver by keeping his position in front of Perez for ages, the car was not good enough.

2. Crufts on TV. On demand is great, missed the shows when they were on TV. Managed to see them and it was lovely. I hope I’ll be able to visit it next year. Hubby loved fly ball, but that’s impossible to do with our chunky dog. I liked agility and Best of Group & Best in Show.
I’ve also been to Dog Shows as participant, with Festus and it was nerve wracking, I was a terrible mess. I’ve been to Dog Shows as a visitor and I wanted to pet them, but they were show dogs and it wasn’t appropriate to disturb them. But at Crufts there is a Discovery Dogs section and that’s what made us eager to attend next year. Also, I would love to see the ultimate doggy related items, pools, leads, beds.

3. The Beatles Story. I got free tickets and we’ve visited the museums on Monday. It was lovely, loved everything about it. The blog about the visit.

4. Starcraft. Hubby loves Starcraft and, at Uni, we’ve started playing. Now I love it too and we play as a team against the computer. How nerdy is that?

5. Caravan. Finally hubby agreed to have a look at caravans. I want one and he was reluctant, as we’ve never been caravanning. Now all we have to do is to save some money to buy one.

6. Mother’s Day and St. Patrick’s Day. I love celebrating everything that we can. If I can make a day better with small things, why not take advantage and dwell on things like… I’m not a mother or I’m not Irish.
I feel my dog is as much as a kid as he can be, so this should be enough to make me a mother. For the Irish part I can’t really say anything besides I like Guinness.

7. New grass trimmer. We had to buy a grass trimmer and cut the grass! That’s the sign that the summer is coming. From what I heard, cutting the grass should make it thicker. If not, next month I’ll throw some special seeds. Those will not be eaten by birds (not harmful for birds, I’ve asked) and will make the lawn perfect.

8. Searching for outdoor furniture. The bistro set that we had was too small (yey! bigger garden, more space for furniture) and we recycled it this week. Now I have to look for comfy chairs and the perfect table. I want be able to work from the garden as much as I can. I love being outside and I hope I’ll be able to do that.

9. Small furry pets at Pets at Home. Every time we go to buy something considered vital by hubby and not by me, I insist to have a look at Pets at Home. The rats, mice, gerbils, bunnies and guinea pigs are so funny and sweet. They always make us smile.

10. The eclipse. It was such a nice weather, warm, lovely. Loved it.

3 Comment

  1. Wow you did get some good pictures of the eclipse! If I ever went to Crufts I’d be going mad wanting to play with all the dogs.

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