Everyday life Life

January roundup

This month was fab. I’ve celebrated my first decade as a vegetarian. Besides that, the most important thing that happened this month was my trip to London. We’ve spent 8 days in London and nearby, visiting many fab places, like St. Albans, where we had lunch at one of the oldest pubs in England, Ye Olde Fighting Cocks.
I went to see the Museum of London Docklands. Still to share pictures from Tate Britain and Wallace Collection, in the next few days.

January roundup - Harry Potter, A History of Magic

Only by chance I’ve seen that there is a small special exhibition at the Liverpool Central Library, in partnership with the British Library, called Harry Potter, A History of Magic. I’ve seen a TV show about it and I was happy to see we have our own exposition here, free, even if it’s small.

I’ve shared a few pictures from the exhibition.

Books at Harry Potter, A History of Magic

 Open books - Harry Potter, A History of Magic

Harry Potter, A History of Magic

New Blog! It’s called Coffee and Books. It’s where I’m going to review the books I read. I mentioned how my blog will be different.

This month I’ve went to see the Darkest Hour and I’ve enjoyed it a lot. As for series, now I’m watching Ray Donovan. I like it a lot, I would recommend it.

Things I’m looking forward in February. First of all it must be Valentine’s Day. I love celebrating it. Another thing we are celebrating is Pancake Day. Last year we went to see the pancake race, but there were only two contestants, so I’m not going again. If I find another pancake race close to us, we’ll go to see it.
In February a new exhibition opens at the World Museum in Liverpool: Terracotta warriors! I’m so excited about it. I can’t wait to book my tickets. I heard about this exhibition two years ago and I am so keen to see it. This year I will also be able to go to the Chinese New Year celebrations. It’s always fun.
A seminar I already booked, that sounds very interesting.

What did you do this month? Do you have any exciting plans for next month?

3 Comment

  1. You had another busy month! The Harry Potter exhibition looks great!
    I don’t usually do much for Valentine’s Day but this year I’m going out with my brother – not very romantic!

  2. I love these kind of round up posts! 🙂 sounds like you’ve had a busy and eventful month, here’s hoping February is just as fun! I’m really excited for pancake day, I’m contemplating dedicating a blog post to pancakes 😀

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