England Travel

Conisbrough Castle

Our day trip in South Yorkshire included 2 beautiful locations part of Enligh Heritage: Conisbrough Castle and Brodsworth Hall and Gardens. I made a short description of the Castle’s history.

01 Conisbrough Castle

Conisbrough Castle more likely was built on a site that was first fortified by King William’s supporter William of Warenne, after the Norman Conquest. The castle was built at some time between 1163 and 1202, probably during the 1180s.

The keep is finely built of quality stone and has an unusual design. Cylindrical keeps, as they don’t have corners, are stronger than earlier rectangular and were fashionable in the late 12th century.
Only Conisbrough’s features a ring of wedge-shaped buttresses, whose tops may have served as turrets for archers. The design is unique in Britain, though a smaller type can be found in northern France, a manor associated with the Warenne family.

The Castle was recently reopened to the public, after a re-development.

02 Conisbrough Castle

03 Conisbrough Castle

04 Conisbrough Castle

05 Conisbrough Castle

06 Conisbrough Castle

07 Conisbrough Castle

08 Conisbrough Castle

09 Conisbrough Castle

10 Conisbrough Castle

11 Conisbrough Castle

12 Conisbrough Castle

13 Conisbrough Castle

14 Conisbrough Castle

15 Conisbrough Castle

6 Comment

  1. Castles are amazing! I love visiting them! There are loads in Northumberland where my husband is from. I love your poncho by the way- so nice and is that a butterfly brooch?x

  2. I love visiting castles, I think they’re incredible! Such beautiful photos 🙂

  3. Great pictures! The castle looks fantastic. I’m always amazed at how these structures are still standing after all these years, and how they were built without machinery!

    1. Thank you. I watched the documentary on BBC about the GuĂ©delon Castle, the castle they are building in France using medieval methods. I would love to visit it. It’s fascinating.

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