Reviews Restaurants & Pubs

Planet Vegan Diner

Planet Vegan Diner is a new restaurant opened on Lark Lane, a well known location in Liverpool, packed with lots and lots of restaurants and pubs. It’s a buzzing place. On Saturday there are markets. It’s in walking distance of Sefton park, so very popular. The owners of Veggie Republic, if you remember my review from last year, decided to open Planet Vegan Diner. What’s amazing is that the food is different from Veggie Republic, where one can get pizzas and fish and chips. At Planet Vegan there an American Diner feel and lots of burgers. The portions are so big that we went there twice, once for burgers and on the following day for desserts. Surely we’ll go there again pretty soon. The food is delicious.

Burgers at Planet Vegan

Planet Vegan burger – Two patties, cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion, pickles, comeback sauce. It’s £12.
Cowboy burger – Two patties, bacon, blue cheese, onion string. It’s £12.

These are the burgers we’ve ordered. These were so different due to the sauces, it was quite remarkable. I liked both, but I think the cowboy burger was my favourite. My husband agreed with me.

Ice Cream

Ice Cream – soft serve vanilla, with chocolate buttons and oreos, and, of course, chocolate sauce. It’s £4.

I was so happy to see a vegan Mr. Whippy. It’s so good and its taste is very similar to the dairy one. I haven’t had a dairy one in a long time, but it is like I remember it to be. The portion size, again, is huge.

Waffles at Planet Vegan

Biscoff crunch waffles – ice cream, lotus crunch, Biscoff syrup, white chocolate drizzle. It’s £6.

My husband got the waffles and I was a bit jealous. He got that delicious ice cream, but also the waffle, so that’s what I am going to order next time for dessert. This is another dessert where it’s not obvious at all that it’s vegan. I loved it!

Planet Vegan Diner is on Lark Lane, L17 8, Liverpool. As you can see the prices are really good, the food is delicious.

5 Comment

  1. You always me me so jealous with these posts!! This looks incredible and my mouth is watering. At least it’s getting a little easier for me to find decent vegan/plant-based products locally.
    Kelly recently posted…Toy ShopMy Profile

    1. It’s amazing how much changed here in the last years. When I moved to Liverpool, almost 10 years ago there were only a couple of places. Now there are 10 or more and still opening, the same in Manchester. As more people are enjoying vegan options, even as non-vegans, more and more options will appear. Who know how many things we’ll be able to enjoy in 10 years.

  2. This food looks amazing, I can’t believe it’s all vegan. Usually it’s very obvious. And I’m not surprised you were jealous of the waffles, I would be too, Look forward to hearing what you think of them next time around 🙂

    1. I had a bite from his waffle and it was so good. I am definitely going to get one of these next time. 🙂

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