England Travel

Sunset on the Cornish Coast

The first post from my holiday is a picture heavy article with the sunset on the Cornish Coast. I took all these pictures with my phone. The pathway is easily accessible from the camping site we’ve stayed at, so we took advantage to go on a late walk, so see the sunset. I wouldn’t recommend a walk on the Cornish coast in the evening, unless you can easily reach home. It gets dark quickly, and it’s pitch-black.

Sunset on the Cornish Coast

I saw these cliffs from the caravan every day for the last week and I don’t think I could ever get bored of the view. Also, I’m not the only one saying this, as the camping site was so busy, with all the spots towards the ocean taken. We managed to get a good spot, with lovely views.

Sunset on the Cornish Coast

Sunset on the Cornish Coast

The next posts will be about the things we’ve seen this holiday, and a special post dedicated to Festus with pictures with him having fun and relaxing in the caravan. He loves caravanning as much as I do, if not even more.

Sunset on the Cornish Coast

Aren’t these views amazing? It did take a long time to get to Cornwall from Liverpool, with a couple of breaks including one for a quick lunch, the journey took over 6 hours, if not shy of 7. But it is worth it. My husband and I said we would love to come back again and visit Cornwall once more. Especially as we’ve discovered new places we would like to see.

Besides that, I got into the Cornish pasties. I had 3 and I would have had more if I could. Right now I’m planning some recipes for Cornish pasties to make at home. My husband wanted a mushroom and cheese one, but we didn’t find, so I’m going to make some at home. For me, I was quite found of the cheese & onions, so I’m going to make that again.

Sunset on the Cornish Coast

Sunset on the Cornish Coast

Sunset on the Cornish Coast

Sunset on the Cornish Coast

Sunset on the Cornish Coast

Have you ever seen a sunset on the Cornish coast? Or have you been on holiday in Cornwall? Let me know, I’d love to hear about it.

3 Comment

  1. What a beautiful sunset! It was a long drive for you to get to Cornwall, but so worth it I’m sure! And Cornwall pastries are so good, I hope you find nice recipes 🙂

    Julia x

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