Celebrations Life

Pancake Day

Today is Pancake Day and we went to see the Pancake race at Liverpool Parish Church. It wasn’t as exciting as we’ve been expecting to because there were only 2 contestants, but it was fun and I learned there is a racing pancake. Unlike the standard pancake that you can eat, the racing pancake is made with more flour, so it’s heavier.

03 Pancake race

04 Pancake race

01 Pancake race

We obviously had crepes. A couple of them filled with mushrooms and one with preserve for dessert.

02 Pancake race

Do you celebrate Pancake Day?

4 Comment

  1. It was also Rare Disease Awareness Day, too but I like Pancakes better, I think XD Looks so yummy. I used to love Waffles more when I was younger but I have seen the light! Pancakes are da bomb.

  2. Ooh sounds like a wonderful way to celebrate! I have had THREE days of pancake celebrations now, madness! I have made my way through an entire jar of nutella, send help! Immy x

  3. Maybe you’ll have to give it a go next year! 😉 your pancakes look deeeeelish, I went for good ol’ lemon and sugar last night 🙂 xx

  4. It’s a shame only two people turned up to take part in the race. I guess the weather may have put people off!

    I made American style pancakes for dinner. We usually have crepes but I wanted to try something different. I think the American style are easier to cook.

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