London Travel

National Gallery. Pictures only

With National Gallery closing down for three years for renovations, I was keen to visit it this winter. Here are some of the highlights from my visit.

National Gallery. Outside

Room at National Gallery

Madame de Pompadour at National Gallery
Madame de Pompadour by Francois-Hubert Drouais

 Room at National Gallery

Execution of Lady Jane
The execution of Lady Jane Grey by Paul Delaroche, 1833

Detail of the painting

Erasmus by Holbein, 1523

Painting at National Gallery
Cognoscenti in a Room hung with Pictures

Dutch painting
Flowers in a Glass Vase with a Tulip by Rachel Ruysch, 1716

Rembrandt, self portrait at 63

4 Comment

  1. Three years is way too long for a museum, hope the renovations are justified. I haven’t been to the National Gallery in years. Hope to revisit it one day. I love Holbein, and that Chardin’s painting, The Young Teacher, is so sweet.

  2. I love the National. It’s big enough that it takes more than a day. I love the Leonardos they have and I remember that Rembrandt from my visit. Another visit is required!

  3. Three years is a long time to be closed. I enjoyed seeing what you shared here. I’ve not been, nor have I been to the National Portrait Gallery. Maybe I’ll get to both someday.

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