Everyday life Life

Pull up bar

Yesterday the pull up bar arrived and hubby installed it. I’m so happy, I’ve waited for such a long time to have a pull up bar again.
I love weight training, the feeling after the workout and competing with myself to do more reps every week are amazing. Hubby and I train together as it’s easier for us to stay motivated and at the moment we are doing P90X3. We’ve completed it once last year and it’s the perfect program as it takes only 30-34 minutes a day. We try to workout every day, but we usually end up with 5-6 workouts per week, so it’s quite good anyway.

01 pull up bar

02 pull up bar at home

We’ve decided to install it in a very unusual place: under the stairs. It was planned to have it there, before we even bought the house. The pull up bar is that important to us. So, here it is.

03 pull up bar at home

04 pull up bar at home

It’s quite concealed under the last step and it’s hardly visible from the living room. It is visible when I go upstairs, but that doesn’t bother me at all. Seeing it every day will make me more motivated to workout, that’s hardly a downside of having it there.

I’m so happy I can do pull ups again (with assistance), we had a few at the yesterday’s workout and I was over the moon. I’ll push and train until I can make them with no assistance at all.