
Primark Slippers

Talking about Primark Slippers on a fashion post might be a bit crazy. I’m delighted with the new purchases and I want to share them. Maybe some of my readers want to buy some funny looking slippers and I might inspire them. Another reason for adding the “Style” tag is that it doesn’t fit in any other category.

Primark is know for the fast fashion, a trend I’m not particularly keen on. When it comes to clothes, I don’t see the point in buying something that looks nice but it will not last. This is one of the reasons Primark is not one of my to-go places. I haven’t been to the shop for a long time, like an year or maybe even more.

Recently, a colleague from the stately home I’m volunteering with, told me about a black shirt at Primark for £5.50. I had to get one as is perfect for my Edwardian maid outfit. It’s great, she told me about the shirt, as I got one. The shirt will be very helpful for the busy Christmas period at the Hall. We have children booked in for different activities. I’m very excited about this, it should be fun.

Primark Slippers

Before going, I looked on their website and saw some cute Primark slippers too. I was ready to buy a pair, but I had no idea I will have to stop myself from buying a few more slippers. I bought two and I stopped because I don’t actually need more than a couple of slippers.

Primark Slippers

The Harry Potter Owls Slipper Boots at £5. They are machine washable at 40C and that is very handy.
I watched recently all the Harry Potter movies and I love owls, so deciding on this pair of slipper boots was a no-brainer. I haven’t started to wear them.

Primark Slippers

The Cosy Footlets Bunnies at £3.50. They too are machine washable at 40C. Aren’t they just extremely cute? I had to have them. The slippers are comfy, with rubber gripper-dot soles. As a plus, the very cute tail, is placed on a side. This makes the slippers comfortable even when I’m touching the sofa with the back of them.

The ears are moving when I walk. They definitely made me smile more these days.

Do you like funny footwear? Tell me what kind of novelty Primark slippers you might buy. 🙂

3 Comment

  1. I saw the owl slippers in Primark in another city and wish I’d bought them as mu local one doesn’t seem to have them in! They’re adorable! x

  2. I totally agree with what you said about Primark’s fast fashion clothes, however they do have good seasonal items like these slippers! In fact I always buy my slippers in Primark, because this is something I wouldn’t spend a lot of money on. The bunny sleepers are my favourite, so cute!

    Julia x

  3. Oh these are adorable! I might have to get my friend Anne some of the Bunnies! She is bunny obsessed!
    I don’t buy loads from Primark but I do consider my purchases very carefully when I buy them from there and they tend to last. I have a few pairs of mismatched pajamas – my favourite ones- Beach-hut ones- came from there!

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