London Travel

Museum of Brands

I like visiting museum, I would visit most of them as I find fascinating stuff everywhere. But I would say that a Museum of Brands sounds even more intriguing. Sadly, we weren’t allowed to take pictures inside the museum. The museum is just outside Portobello market.

01 Museum of Brands

I would suggest allowing a couple of hours for the museum and another one for enjoying a drink in the beautiful garden. There are a few pictures from the garden, but not too many as there were quite a few visitors, despite being less than 1 hour before closing.

The museum is very interesting. There are brands from the Victorian times. The first part of the museum is arranged by decade. There are lots and lots of brands on display. There isn’t a particular type of product presented in the museum, so be prepared to see sweets, baked beans, drinks, board games. Some of the time periods are truly fascinating, like the ones from the World War I or World War II. There are also displays with memorabilia from different Royal events, like jubilees and weddings.

There is a second part of the museum, in which the brands are presented as they make their journeyed through time. It’s amazing that some of the brands can be easily recognized by their packaging, the alterations to the brand&colour palette being small. For example Colman’s mustard or Branston pickle, Oxo, Heinz, or Kellogg’s. If you would see one of them in stores today, you would know what it is without reading the name of the brand.

Near the second section of the museum there is a TV what shows adverts. It is surprising what was considered ok a couple of decades ago. There are lots of adverts, so you can spend quite a while in there.

02 Museum of Brands

In this beautiful garden there are a few benches and a couple of tables. There are so many plants that is impossible not to have privacy and that is something amazing for London. There is a fig tree, a kiwi and a lemon, all outside.

03 Museum of Brands

04 Museum of Brands

05 Museum of Brands
There is also a cat.

06 Museum of Brands
She liked the fuss, but was not precisely friendly. She wasn’t too keen when I took her in my hands. Hubby took a picture, but it was blurry, as she was constantly moving.

The address of the Museum of Brands is 111-117 Lancaster Road, Notting Hill, London, W11 1QT. Entry fee is £9. There is a discount if you are member of the National Trust. The museum of brands, packaging and advertising is included in the London pass. I wouldn’t recommend the museum if you have small kids, as they will get bored quite easy. The museum is really close to the tube station, only a few minutes away.

2 Comment

  1. Hi Anca! What an interesting museum. I really love looking at advertising and branding so I think I would love this!!! And my orchestra does its concerts near Portobello so I could visit on my way to a concert! Which station is it closest to?x

    1. I’m sure you’d like it, the museum is quite unique. Ladbroke Grove Station is the closest one to the museum, only a few minutes away. x

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