Everyday life Life

Good things

1. Eating pizza for breakfast. Well, it happens. This is one of the best things of working from home, I don’t have to rush in the mornings, I can do some things until the pizza is ready and then eat what I want. I should have put another good thing as “working from home”, as it’s amazing for me.

2. Exciting trip down south. I’m away for the week working, but I’ll manage to see a few things after finishing the work. I think it’s better to relax a couple of hours after work instead of trying to do too much and getting overwhelmed and exhausted.


3. Having a great husband. I don’t praise him enough on my blog, but he is amazing. He got this fab black calla lily for me. I love black flowers. It’s now in my kitchen, along with another calla lily he got for me.

4. New skirt. I made my own skirt! I think it turned out amazing considering is my first one. I will take some pictures next week and include it in a post. It’s quite fun to make stuff with the sewing machine. So far I’ve made curtains for the caravan, a huge cover for the awning and the skirt. I will get some patterns and try to do more. I enjoy sewing even more than I was expecting it.

5. Home delivery. It’s the next best thing since the sliced bread. After clicking some buttons… the dog food arrives next day! That is impressive.

6. Blogging. I love blogging, it’s one of the best hobbies I could have. I can interact with so many wonderful people while I’m writing a diary. I enjoy it so much, it’s helpful to have an online diary and use the search function to find what I’m looking for. I have to admit I do use the search function quite often when I’m looking for different places we’ve been to.

7. British weather. It’s warm and nice without getting too warm. I love it. To be perfect, I would like a little bit of light rain each night, so I don’t have to water the garden.

8. Birds in the garden. Last year we had a family of pigeons in the neighbour’s tree that were eating from our bird feeder. This year the pigeons are back and we also have a magpie, 3-4 blackbirds and a blue tit comes seldom too. It’s lovely we have so many different birds. Of course, we have bees and the odd butterfly. For a small garden in an urban area it’s great.

9. Festus and the horse ball. Hubby is playing with Festus and his horse ball in the garden. They look like they are having fun, but I would usually avoid that play as I get bruised easily and the ball is quite heavy.

10. Coffee. Should I say more? I love coffee and every single cup of coffee makes me happy.

3 Comment

  1. This is lovely! I ALMOST bought my husband a Calla Lily from Aldi last week as they had them and when we got married, he wore an orange Calla Lily as his Boutonniere- the only reason I didn’t was the orange one wasn’t very bright and I already had too much to carry home!

  2. What a heartwarming list. Yes, yes, YES to coffee and blogging! Aw, glad your husband is good to you 🙂 x

  3. Pizza for breakfast is the BEST! Especially if it’s the previous nights leftovers! 😉
    That plant is gorgeous, you have got a keeper there!


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