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Easter menu

This Easter’s menu included, as usual, “traditional” Romanian dishes and English ones. We’ve got hot cross buns from the supermarket, as I didn’t have enough time to try to make them at home.

We had to share the bun on Easter, as the tradition dictates.





Drob, it’s a Romanian terrine with lots of spring onion. As I am vegetarian, I’ve made it with soy instead of the usual components.


4 pastes, all homemade: black olives, green olives, sundried tomatoes and avocado paste.


Homemade loaf with white flour and cornflour, this time made as a big flat loaf instead of an usual bread.


Cupcakes with lots of cacao, cheese cream icing and chocolate eggs and bunnies.


Another Romanian dish, polenta with cabbage, sour cream and picked chilli on the side.


Mushroom cream soup, made from mushrooms, onion and some veggies. I love this type of soup.


Cozonac, it’s a romanian sweet bread. I planned to do only one, but it grew bigger than expected. Not that I’m complaining.


The end result:


On the 2nd day, we went for a nice day in the park. Some play with Festus’s new toy, a ball he got as a Easter present and a walk in the park.


