Celebrations Life

My birthday

Today is my birthday. Not much to say about it, I have some ideas for today.


I would like to go to Donington Park Racing Circuit and see all the F1 cars. Hubby wanted to surprise me and go to Mother Shipton as he knew how much I wanted to go, but it’s closed in November. I would have liked to go to a few different places, but it’s November and the weather is not the best, so I had to cut from the list a ride on Snowdon with the steam train.
Last year we’ve been on a day trip in Peak District, three years ago we’ve been to Conwy.

For Blog Every Day in November the topic is: What Is Your Expertise? I’m not sure I’m an expert in a domain. I love lots of things, this is why I have so many unusual hobbies. I love my job, I’m good at it and I know a lot of things. Maybe that is my expertise, but I will not go into details about it. I would have liked to talk about things I’m good at as it also means I enjoy doing them, but it’s work and I avoid talking about my work.

I wrote the post yesterday afternoon, as I wanted to avoid the laptop today. I can’t! I can’t ignore what happened in Paris last night, it was a horrible attack on innocent people. R.I.P. My thoughts are with all those who are injured and who lost someone in the attacks. #ViveLaFrance

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