Manchester Travel

Lyme House

I have to say this will be another heavy pictured post. Hubby and I went to Lyme House last year on Valentine’s Day for the 200th anniversary of Pride and Prejudice (where we both walked in our regency clothes without a jacket at 5 degrees). On a warmer day we went again to visit the house and properly see the gardens.

01 Lyme House and Park

02 Lyme House and Park
We started with the house. The Entrance Hall looks beautiful and grand. I was very found of the tapestry, made in the 1620s.

03 Lyme House and Park
On one of the walls there is a squint underneath a hinged painting, quite an unusual find.

04 Lyme House and Park
I like the ceilings with their intricate designs and a staggering amount of details. It’s amazing to see the level of craftsmanship. We are lucky the houses were well preserved and we are able to admire them after hundreds of years.

05 Lyme House and Park

06 Lyme House and Park
The dinning room is impressive and as beautiful as the rest of the house. The table is set for dinner like it was in 1905, a la Francaise. This means that all the food was served in the same time.

07 Lyme House and Park
I thought it was a painting or needlework, but is a mosaic on a cooper plate made before 1812.

08 Lyme House and Park

The next room is one of my favourite in any house we are visiting: the library. It’s so exciting to see big rooms filled with books that are hundreds of years old. I always have a look and read the names.
I usually spot history books, some on agriculture and the bible. There are also travel books that I would like to read. But, sometimes, there are also strange names like “The Natural History of British Surface-Feeding Ducks” by John Guille Millais. I had a look online and is not as old as I was expecting. It was published in 1902.

09 Lyme House and Park

10 Lyme House and Park

11 Lyme House and Park
In one of the rooms there were gorgeous decorations like this one, made from wood. It looks so delicate and it has an intricate design, I love it. All the wooden decorations were different, but all had the same amount of details, they are stunning.

12 Lyme House and Park

13 Lyme House and Park
I was smitten with this sweet girl, her parents were taking pictures of her and asking her to do things or play with the toys found in the wing dedicated to the children. She was so pretty, I’m happy hubby was able to take a picture of her when she wasn’t looking.

14 Lyme House and Park
This is something I didn’t see before, a water filter. I’m not sure how old it is.

15 Lyme House and Park
At Lyme House not only the kids can enjoy special costumes, they are available for the adults too. It was busy, but next time I’ll wait, as I love dressing up 😀

It was a lovely day, so we went on a stroll through the garden. There were lots of butterflies, bees and birds singing, pure bliss.

16 Lyme House and Park

17 Lyme House and Park

18 Lyme House and Park

19 Lyme House and Park

20 Lyme House and Park

Before heading to the car park, we went to see the hunting lodge.

21 Lyme House and Park

22 Lyme House and Park

23 Lyme House and Park

It was a beautiful day out, it’s a place that I would love to visit again. Have you been to Lyme House before?

9 Comment

  1. Thank you for linking up with #anythinggoes linky. This looks fantastic right up my street. It looks like a beautiful setting and how fab you went on Valentines day and again in the summer to see the gardens. The picture of the robin is fantastic. x

  2. Not been for a while now, gutted I missed the naked Mr Darcy in the lake last year 😉 Really love the water filter, oooh they do such a good job of looking after these houses. Beautiful.

  3. That is so cool!!! What an amazing place! I MUST visit. I love the little girl- she looks so quaint! And those gorgeous books and the amazing stucco work on the ceiling!!x

    1. There were a few kids in costumes and they all looked so pretty and cute. Next time I’ll dress up too 🙂

  4. Oh the little girl! What a cute outfit 🙂 I love old school rooms 🙂

    Have you ever been to Beamish?

    Corinne x

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