Restaurants & Pubs Reviews

Frost Burgers

I thought I will not be able to review a restaurant as we are in lockdown, but, then I thought that reviewing takeaway is just as good. We’ve been getting food from Frost Burgers for a few months. Their burgers are amazing, we both love them. We are too far for delivery, so we always go there to pick up our food. It’s where we got takeaway to celebrate my 13th veggie-anniversary a few weeks ago, if you remember my instagram update. Here is the link to their website, if you want to know more.

Frost burgers

Frost burger opened its doors in Liverpool a couple of years ago, in November 2018, and they are doing so well that this month they opened a new place in Manchester. It was opened by Monami Frost, a UK-based tattoo model and YouTuber.

Now, let’s talk about food. This time we had the Beef Free burgers, which are made with 2 patties and 2 slices of melted cheddar, sauces, onion slices, tomato slices, and lettuce. These are delicious. We also had fries and Frost bites, as they ran out of onion rings, which are amazing too.

The burgers are very realistic in texture and taste and with all those delicious sauces, they are so very indulgent. I highly recommend trying them. The sides come with some small pots with yummy sauces and you can get the sauces you like best. The bites seem “meaty” and they are very good too.

Frost burgers - cookies

We also got shakes, a cookie and a Biscoff one, alongside cookies. They also have delicious brownies. These are very caloric, as they are big and delicious. They are great from time to time, but, of course, not too often.


When Festus saw the bags, he became the most quiet dog in the world, hoping his very good behaviour will be awarded with a couple of fries… or even more. He got some fries which he loved. I gave him a slice of vegan salami from the fridge, as the burgers have lots of ingredients and I was not sure if they are suitable for him. He was happy even though I think he would have preferred a burger.

Frost Burgers is on 58 Wood St, L1 4AQ in Liverpool, and on 1 Dark Lane, M12 6FA, Manchester. I am not sure if takeaway is available in Manchester or only delivery. The Liverpool location is central, so there is limited on-street parking nearby.

7 Comment

  1. When I saw the title of this post I thought it was some kind of special burger recipe! But these look so delicious, it’s great you can support your local businesses this way. Glad Festus got his chips too!

    1. I love getting burgers from them. The place feels very safe, as it’s very big for a takeaway. It’s a small restaurant, but with all the benches removed, it’s so easy to social distance if someone else walks in, as it happens, of course. They are very good too. Hope you can enjoy a takeaway soon.

    1. Festus loves vegan food. He get excited when he smells vegan sausages or salami. I imagine he would have loved to have a burger for himself. As it has sauces, I wouldn’t give it to him though. But he did have some fries. He loves fries, baked, fried, or even frozen. :))

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