Liverpool Travel

Weeping window

Hubby and I went to see Paul Cummins’s artwork, the poppies that create the Weeping window in front of St. George’s Hall.

On one of my trips to London I went to see the poppies at the Tower of London. The artwork display was called Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red and it represented 1 poppy for every British military fatality in the WW1: 888,246 poppies. They were impressive, so many lives lost in the WWI.

I wanted to take some pictures of the display at night, but last night it rained and I couldn’t. Enjoy the pictures taken on 8th November.

01 Weeping window

02 Weeping window

03 Weeping window

Remembrance Day Liverpool

Poppies at St. George's Hall

3 Comment

  1. An amazing display, I must go and see this. There’s an event on the 13th December here, book readings and music so I may be booking tickets for that.

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