Carol of the Bells or Toll of the Bells is Ukrainian, something I found out recently. I thought it would be interesting to know about it. Read about the song’s story in this article or watch the first clip.
This is the short story of Mykola Leontovych’s Shtshedryk. It was performed in US 100 years ago.
In this short clip there are some clips of the beautiful Mariupol last Christmas and the song performed by Ukrainian children now in US.
Slava Ukraini!
I know the carol, of course, but I didn’t know the story of it and I thank you for sharing it with us! I wish I had chosen it to sing with my school choir this year- they are such a strong bunch of singers- they would have done a good job of it and the Ukrainian children in school would have appreciated it.
I’ve always loved that as one of my favorite Christmas songs.
What a wonderful post, Anca! Thanks for sharing these two clips. I love that song and did not know its history.
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It has a wonderful and sad history, doesn’t it? I love the song too.