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How to make a realistic meal plan

I wanted to make a weekly meal plan for ages, but I get ideas and this makes me want to cook something else and I can’t stick to a plan, until now. For our last week away (well, a little bit more than 1 week), I made a meal plan and this is how I discovered How to make a realistic meal plan.

I started by thinking how much time I will have to cook. Basically not a lot, as we were away with work. I also didn’t have a lot of space to cook, as we were caravanning. I have an oven and a hob with 2 burners, a small fridge, but the worktop space is limited. Considering all these, I chose the best options available. We eat shop-bought soup, so I got enough cans for each day, making sure we have 1 of 5 a day and we also have loads of different options. I’m going to talk about the meal plan I did when we were busy, most days include only the breakfast and dinner, as at lunch time we had different things, vegan healthy bars and sandwiches most days.

How to make a realistic meal plan

Because I wasn’t at home, I prepared the rice, cornmeal and pasta by weighting in how much I would need to cook once. I also made the mix for pancakes/cupcakes, dry ingredients, to which I got to add 2 eggs and some milk. It took only 10 minutes to prepare everything. I prepared a few cans of veggies too and I took some coconut milk from home for the risotto. I didn’t want to have to go shopping often.

Day 1.
B – Sandwich and soup We had sandwich, soup, and cake.
L – Vegan coconut milk risotto with veggies I made coconut milk risotto with bamboo shoots.
D – Mash potatoes and halloumi Mash potatoes, pan-fried halloumi and red cabbage salad.
Day 2.
B – Pasta with veggies We had pasta with 1 can of peas and 1 can of tomatoes, herbs, and sesame seeds.
D – Stir-fry Stir-fry with leeks, carrots, peppers, mushrooms, and halloumi.
Day 3.
B – Baked beans on toast Baked beans on toast with soup.
D – Soup, omelette with salad Soup. Omelette with salad and 1 pancake.
Day 4.
B – Polenta with veggies Polenta with tomatoes and peas, 1 vegan sausage.
D – Soup and stir-fry Soup. Pan-fried potatoes with grated cheddar, 1 egg, and red cabbage salad.
Day 5.
B – Risotto Risotto with soft cheese and mushrooms.
D – Soup, avocado on toast Avocado on toast with 1 fried egg and garlic mushrooms.
Day 6.
B – Baked beans on toast Baked beans on toast and 1 vegan sausage.
D – Soup and stir-fry Soup. Stir-fry of peppers, carrots, mushrooms, potatoes, and onions.
Day 7.
B – Soup and pancakes Soup. Savoury pancakes with mushrooms and cheese.
D – Nachos Nachos with homemade tomato sauce.

As you can see, I did pretty good. We had at least 3 servings of veggies every day. We also had some fruits, so I don’t think there was a day with less than 4 from the 5-a-day.

So, these are my tips on How to make a realistic meal plan.

Make it flexible.
I think my meal plan was a success because I didn’t think of an exact recipe. I said, for example, “stir-fry” and this meant I could do it with each ever veggies I fancied. As you can see in my plan, we had quite a lot of mushrooms because we both wanted to have more mushrooms that week.

Make it simple.
Another thing that was very important is that I kept everything easy and simple. Not too fancy, so I didn’t have to spend too much time cooking because I didn’t have a lot of it. I made plans before, but it was too complicated for the time and resources I had.
Last time I made a plan, we were away, like this month, but we were staying in a self-catering cottage, I had the pans they provided us with and again, not a lot of worktop to do what I wanted.

Make it convenient.
Use the things you know it will make your life easier and it will also make it more likely you will stick to your meal plan. I used canned soup, canned veggies along fresh veggies and some frozen mushrooms too. At home I have more time and I would cut down on the number of canned foods I would have. So, instead of asking myself to cook from scratch with fresh veggies that I bought that day from the supermarket, I chose convenience for myself. Leaving the caravan at 8.45 and getting back at 6 meant I was able to cook in the mornings and in the evening too. A few years ago I would have left the cottage at 8 and got back at 8 after going to the supermarket to get fresh food. Do I have to point out that we had pizza and pasta almost every evening? I was too tired and had other things to do too.

These are my tips. I will make another meal plan for next week, to see how well I will stick to it while at home.
Do you make meal plans?

2 Comment

  1. That’s a good plan to have for meals 😀 I try to pick out more meats and such…less carbs and sugars. It worked wonders for me!

  2. I always love to make a plan but it never work for me since my kids now demand what they want on the day before. It used to be easy without their input! Now I have to listen to their demand. It is good that you have made this effort and I think it is worth doing it!

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