Reviews Restaurants & Pubs

Las Iguanas

My husband and I tried the vegetarian burritos at Las Iguanas recently. I though I should share my experience because I was very pleased with the food and the staff. We went to Trafford Centre for lunch. I think I mentioned Trafford Centre 10 times in the last month, but we are really happy with it. It’s not far from us (a bit further than Liverpool city centre), but it comes with free parking, in addition to lots and lots of shops and restaurants.

Las Iguanas Trafford Centre

One of the most beautiful things at Trafford Centre is the food court. The decor is beautiful, exotic and over the top, but it works.

Las Iguanas vegetarian burritos

I like Mexican food a lot. Their vegetarian burrito is made with Sweet potato, butternut squash & chickpea chilli. It came with guacamole, roasted tomato sauce, sour cream, and salad. The salad had lovely unusual types of pepper, called schinus if I remember correctly. The waitress told us about the pepper when we asked, a round pink pepper I’ve never seen before. The staff was friendly and the food and the drinks arrived quickly.

The burritos were filled with veggies perfectly cooked, I liked the squash a lot. The salad was lovely, some fresh and some pickled. The guacamole was delicious, with bits of avocado in it, for extra texture. The roasted tomato sauce was very good.

Two glasses of Juice

Nothing special about the drinks, but I just love this picture. I’m delighted with the pictures taken with my new iPhone. No dessert for us then. We talked about churros, so we’ll have to order them next time we are eating there.

Las Iguanas from our table

The view from our table. We were able to see outside too, on a sunny day like the one we had that day, it looked beautiful.

Overall I was very pleased with everything at Las Iguanas and I would go back to try more of their vegetarian dishes. Have you been to Las Iguanas? Do you like Mexican food?

3 Comment

  1. I’ve never been to Las Iguanas, but I do love Mexican food so it sounds right up my street! I hear they have a couple of great vegan options too!
    I haven’t been to the Trafford Centre in years but I love how fancy it is!

  2. The food looks delicious! I’d love to find more vegetarian food in the states, but we’re so into meat it’s hard. All I want are some veggies in my food! Lol. The mall (?) looks like it’s a fun place to visit, too. I miss just window shopping at our local mall!

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