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Garden gate TLC

This week we’ve been involved in a little bit of DIY. The garden gate was in need of some TLC, as it was rusty. I thought it’s easier to change the gate, but I like the iron gate. Also, getting a new one would have been so much hassle. In less than 4 hours we’ve restored the old one.


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This was the state of the gate.

First of all, hubby had to clean all the rust from the gate.

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He used the drill with 2 special heads for removing rust. It’s easy to find them at B&Q.

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Hubby put some masking tape around the thing that holds the head, to protect it from scratches.

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full speed ahead 🙂 In 1 hour the gate was clean.

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As you can see, the making tape did its job.

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The gate, cleaned and ready to be painted.

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It took me 2 hours to apply the paint. I had to make sure every inch of gate is fully covered in the special paint. That paint can be bought from B&Q.

This is the gate, fully painted. As it was sunny, in 30 minutes the paint was dry.

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After the gate was completely dry we’ve fixed the bamboo screening to add a little more privacy. We’ll fix a similar screening on the other gate, that is in front of the house.

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I’m very happy with the end result.

6 Comment

  1. Garden DIY is one of the most rewarding things in life, well done for doing such a good job! x

    1. Thank you Amanda x I love spending time in the garden, when it will be a little more warm, I’m going to work from outside, can’t wait.

  2. wow well done what a difference it makes, we are also currently re doing our garden its a huge job and im sure all the mood been trailed through my home will be wroth it in end lol

    1. Thank you Stephen. You should start, the summer is approaching fast 🙂

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