
Laura & Mihai

This Saturday we attended Laura & Mihai wedding in St. Helens, a lovely town near Liverpool. Hubby took some pictures of me in front of the City Hall.



I went to church weddings and civil weddings before, in Romania, but this was the first time I had tears in my eyes. It was a very emotional ceremony because it was about them, not about law or God or something else. The woman who performed the ceremony talked about love and the commitment they are making to each other in a warm way. I loved it. I’d like very much a similar ceremony for our vows renewal, something we’re thinking of pretty often lately, but this is another discussion.




I mentioned the food, so lets talk about the wild mushrooms fettuccini. A lovely pasta dish with warm rocket, red onions and goat cheese. I enjoy a dish with different aromas like this one. The bitterness of the rocket was increased by the warmth, the onions were sweet and the sour cheese gave a nice touch to the fettuccini. I likes all this flavours blended together. I’ll definitely try to make it at home. For desert I had a white chocolate tart, nice flavour, I would try it again.

I had to have a picture with the golfing carts.
