
Michael Schumacher

When I saw yesterday, on FB, that Schumacher had another accident, this time skying I was shocked and I hope he will recover as always. I remember when he had the accident in 1999, I was watching the race and I told my mother it was Schumacher’s car before it was announced. He had a broken leg and it took time to recover, but he returned that F1 year.

He had other accidents and he recovered from all. Hopefully he will be back on his feet soon. And, hopefully, on the 3rd Jan, he will be able to hear his birthday wishes as every year.

I remember the first race I’ve seen, in 1998 (28 June, I had to search the exact date). It was a Sunday afternoon and I had nothing else to do, unlikely, but I’m glad it happened.

Only by chance I’ve seen the race that already started. It was amazing, I loved everything, the speed of the race, the cars and the winner: Michael Schumacher. After this race, at Magny Cours, I watched from the beginning the one at Silvertone. Schumacher won again, the race was again very interesting and I found everything exciting.

After that, I watched all the other races, never missed one. I start learning about F1 cars and their engines and brakes and chassis and fuel. It was so interesting. I’ve learned the regulations and the points and some F1 history. I was watching Italian TV for the qualifications and, as I understand the language, I watched the following discussions after the laps were over. I’ve read F1 magazines.

I was member in a small Michael Schumacher fan club and I was corresponding with a few other members. I even named my first dog Schumy and that was actually very accurate as he was such a speedy runner.

In 2005, with all the regulation changes, I’ve stopped watching the races. It was unfair to Ferrari and I saw no point in having a set of tyres for the entire race. I felt F1 lacked the sparkle it had a few years before.