Good things

Since the latest good things post, lots of nice things happened, some annoying things too, but what’s the point in talking about those. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to go to Harrogate to see the Small Animal Show, like last year. Let’s go back to the good things and happy moments. Tomorrow I’m going to London, […]

What’s cooking

I had a couple of posts a few years ago on my cooking adventures and I gave up. Now I want to make it a monthly update because the way I cook changes in time. I also think that this might give my readers some ideas. I tried a lot of new things this month, […]

The Happiness Tag

The lovely Becster nomaninated me for The Happiness Tag. I wanted to answer to the questions from this tag for a couple of days now, but the work keeps me busy. I can’t complain as I love what I’m doing. Songs: It’s hard to chose songs I like as some of them I would listen […]

Jamie’s Italian review

My husband and I went a few days ago to Jamie’s Italian for dinner. I was invited to review the restaurant. I had to take the opportunity as I passed by the restaurant a few times when I was shopping in Liverpool, but never got in. The restaurant is in a very good location, close […]

Vegan leather jacket

Hubby surprised me when he phoned and said he bought something for me. I had no idea what he bought, I assumed it was something to eat. I wouldn’t have imagined he went to TKMaxx and discovered this amazing vegan leather jacket there. He obviously knew that I don’t wear real leather as I haven’t […]

What I ate Wednesday #WIAW

This is my first post from the monthly series: What I Ate Wednesday. This Wednesday hubby and I are going to eat out and the whole idea behind this kind of posts is to show what I would eat in a regular day. So I took pictures yesterday. In the morning I started with 2 […]

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3 movies I loved last year

I don’t talk a lot about the movies I’m watching as it’s not my favourite passtime. But I want to talk about 3 movies I loved last year: The theory of everything, The imitation game and The Scandalous Lady W. The theory of everything I watched a TV series with the famous physicist Stephen Hawking […]

Good things

This is the first Good things post this year and it’s exciting. The year started amazing with work and I couldn’t be happier. Also things are going great in my personal life. 1. Wine. I found this bottle of Romanian wine in my local Asda. I think they had an offer with lots of International […]

Eating healthy while away with work

Next month I’m going away with work for one week, as I did for the last 2-3 years. Until now I made unrealistic plans of cooking and exercising. I had to change the way I approach this task to succeed in my plan of eating healthy. I have a pretty good idea what I will […]

Yew Tree Farm

I mentioned in my Blogging Goals for this year that I want to visit a local farm (there are a couple of mills on my list too) each month and blog about it. I will do this as a way to promote small local businesses and enjoying fresh produce if possible. Yesterday hubby and I […]