Books in September

This is my second post about books this month, as I already blogged about the latest book by Philippa Gregory. The Last Tudor was published last month and I wanted to talk about it as soon as I finished it. There is a link at the end of the post to the review. This month […]

BlogOnXmas 2017

If you follow my blog, you know that I’ve been to BlogOn many times: BlogOn May and BlogOn September in 2016, BlogOn MSI May and now is time for BlogOnXmas 2017. This time BlogOn was held at Hotel Football in Manchester. The hotel is close to Manchester United. It was different than before, as it […]

The White Cross Pub

The White Cross Pub

Yesterday my husband and I went to Lancaster and we stopped for coffee at The White Cross Pub. The pub is near the canal, more info is available on their website. It is in an 130 years old cotton mill. The name of the pub comes from the original stone white cross, that was just […]

Vitamin E Moisture Cream

Vitamin E Moisture Cream

Today I’m going to talk about the Vitamin E Moisture Cream by The Body Shop. I saw recently that The Body Shop was bought in June by Natura from L’Oreal. I was delighted to see this. I had reservations promoting products under the L’Oreal umbrella as they test on animals in order to be able […]

Lion Salt Works

Lion Salt Works

Lion Salt Works is a museum, voted the UK’s Best Heritage Project, and it can be found in Cheshire. We’ve visited it as part of Heritage Open Days (it was free) and, unfortunately, we booked a volunteer led tour. It was the most boring thing I’ve been to. In a room, she stopped and said […]

What’s cooking

It’s been a while since I’ve made an What’s Cooking round-up. I talked in July about my weekly shopping, but I didn’t share any recipes. So, today I’m going to talk about the last things I’ve cooked. This week I’ve been invited to the Chef Challenge at Shoryu Ramen in Manchester and I made my […]

St. Mary’s Church Weaverham

St. Mary’s Church Weaverham

I’ve visited St. Mary’s Church Weaverham on Heritage Open Days last week. It was a guided tour and I enjoyed it a lot, as the guide told us so many interesting facts about the church. In Weaverham people have worshipped in a church on the spot where is St. Mary’s Church for over 1,000 years. […]

Questions about the past and the future

In this post I’m going to talk about Questions about the past and the future. This is part of the 365 Provoking questions I’m doing this year. I’ve started in February with 28 Provoking Questions and I might finish it by the end of the year. I looked through the remaining questions and I picked […]

The Holly Bush

The Holly Bush

My husband and I went to The Holly Bush pub last month, but I didn’t get the chance to talk about it until today. The Holly Bush is in Northwich, Cheshire and it was built in the 17th century. During the Victorian period the pub was extended. The last extension, where the restaurant is today, […]